Fuck the RIAA


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
Now i dont like disturbed at all, but you gotta give the guy credit.

DISTURBED Singer Blasts Record Companies Over Lawsuits Against Downloaders - Sep. 11, 2003

DISTURBED frontman David Draiman has told the San Francisco Chronicle that the music industry should find a way to work with the Internet instead of suing people who have downloaded music.

"This is not rocket science," he said. "Instead of spending all this money litigating against kids who are the people they're trying to sell things to in the first place, they have to learn how to effectively use the Internet."

On Monday, the RIAA filed suits against 261 civilians with more than 1,000 music files each on their computers, accusing them of copyright violations. The industry hopes the suits, which seek as much as $150,000 per violation, will deter computer users from engaging in what the record industry considers illegal file- swapping.

The RIAA did not initiate these lawsuits to defend artists' rights, Draiman says, but to protect corporate profits.

"For the artists, my ass," he said. "I didn't ask them to protect me, and I don't want their protection."

Draiman, like other musicians, pointed to the iTunes Store recently opened by Apple Computers that sells individual songs for 99 cents apiece to downloaders.

"Apple has the right idea with the I-store," said the singer. "You'd think these conglomerates like AOL Time Warner would have easy ways of doing the same thing, with these mergers between record labels and Internet service providers."

Draiman believes the Internet is here to stay and that downloading files will be an increasingly important delivery system for music, regardless of the music industry's lawsuits. "The focus of the industry needs to shift from Soundscan numbers to downloads," he said. "It's the way of the future. You can smell it coming. Stop fighting it, because you can't."
heres some other quotes out of the full article:

"Lawsuits on 12-year-old kids for downloading music, duping a mother into paying a $2,000 settlement for her kid?" said rapper Chuck D of Public Enemy. "Those scare tactics are pure Gestapo."

"File sharing is a reality, and it would seem that the labels would do well to learn how to incorporate it into their business models somehow," said genre- busting DJ Moby in a post on his Web site. "Record companies suing 12-year-old girls for file sharing is kind of like horse-and-buggy operators suing Henry Ford."

"Who doesn't want to get paid for their work?" said Wayne Coyne of the indie-rock band Flaming Lips. "But I think it works to musicians' benefit for people to be able to occasionally listen to their music and, if they really like it, go out and buy it."

"I don't know that there's any one factor behind the industry," said Coyne. "Maybe it's downloading, or maybe people just didn't feel like buying so many records. So Metallica makes $10 million instead of $20 million, who cares? To me, the sympathy is unwarranted. Some of this is just the hazard of doing business. It's the nature of the world. At the end of the day, it's just rock and roll. It isn't that big of a deal."
"What the fuck is this shit? Seriously? Internet is the worst thing that has happened and it should be shut down. seriously! Fukkin Al Gore should stop what he has started. MOTHERFUCKERS! HATE ME, BUT I'LL HATE YOU BACK! WE ARE CHILDREN OF FUCKING BODOM AND WE COME FROM HELL-FUCKING-SINKI" - Aleksi Laiho
MightyA said:
"What the fuck is this shit? Seriously? Internet is the worst thing that has happened and it should be shut down. seriously! Fukkin Al Gore should stop what he has started. MOTHERFUCKERS! HATE ME, BUT I'LL HATE YOU BACK! WE ARE CHILDREN OF FUCKING BODOM AND WE COME FROM HELL-FUCKING-SINKI" - Aleksi Laiho

if it werent for the internet, it would be a little harder for him to get his playstation2 cheats
That's what the music industry needs more of.....musicians that support the music, not the sales. Now, of course they have to make a living, but the majority of money made and given to musicians is money made from the tour. The fucking record label gets the majority of the profits from merchandise it's pathetic.
oceanqueen44 said:
someone on the news the other day made a good point.... that certain people are more worried about music downloading then children accessing porn sites......
:rolleyes: :lol:

It's ridiculous, and my parents are freaking out and telling me to not even download at all in fear of being caught and sued.

Well god, if the recording industry would just lower the price down considerably on CD's then maybe people wouldn't have the need to download in the first place...

I swear I haven't bought a CD in about 6 months or so..
Yngvai X said:
That Alexi quote isnt real is it? They're from Espoo not Helsinki right?

Well, they're ORIGINALLY from Espoo, but since the human kind has a habit of moving into other cities, they all now live in Helsinki. ANd I'm pretty sure that that quote is real.
oceanqueen44 said:
I heard that cd prices are supposed to be lowered after the end of the month.... I don't know how true that is......
Well, at least Universal Music is lowering the prices. And at least in USA.
I saw this today on www.bravewords.com :

VINCE NEIL Slams RIAA Over Download Suit! [Rock Hard - 03.09.16 16:16:20]

According to MOTLEY CRUE’s website (www.motleycrue.com), former frontman VINCE NEIL has taken the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to task for launching and later quietly settling a lawsuit against 12-year-old Brianna Lahara for illegally downloading more than

1,000 songs off the Internet.

"I just think it's terrible these big companies will go after a 12-year-old," Neil told The Edmonton Sun in an interview last week. "They're the ones who shove Britney Spears and these people down your throat, and then when it's on the Internet and you can download it, why wouldn't you? It just boggles my mind that these companies would be so petty as to do something like this. It's pretty shameful."

Neil said he doesn't believe artists are losing a significant amount of revenue from online file-swapping. "If you look at it in the real perspective, it's pennies. It doesn't add up to that much money to sue your fans, because finally your fans are going to go, 'You know what? Fuck you.' You make your money at the concert tours, you're selling your merchandise, they're still going to buy your records too if they're fans."
Call me fucking stupid, but I still don't really get it: WHY does Alexi hate the net so much? Is it because of the whole downloading business, or because of rumours and shit, or what .....??????????????????????'
He's on the right track..

That 12 year old though wont have to pay that, her community would probably help with that through donations and all sorts.

Isnt a ISP sueing the RIAA for spying on its customers?