Anyone know this? Troops?


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Someone on another message board is looking for a song and no one seems to be able to help. Here's the post. Does anyone have any idea what it might be?


I heard a tune in 1986 but to this day I don't know who played it or even the name of the song. The group sounded like Kix with a lot more edge. The tune had a strong L.A. Hair Metal sound with a slow but pounding rythem, and the singer didn't sing, he shouted! It lyrics went

"UUHH! (begins the song)
I am a Rock! Living inside of you!
At night you try to set me free!
I am the brains of everything that you do!
Just get me started you'll see!...

I am the Tomorrow! Yea, yea!
I am the Tomorrow! UUHH!
LONG! LIVE! ROCK! Long live Rock and Ro-ll!
LONG! LIVE! ROCK! Long live Rock and Ro-ll!"

The lead guitarist ended his solo and the song with a wild sound effect simular to a rapid fire lazerblaster in an arcade game. This was not a remake of Blackmore's (Rainbow) tune "Long live Rock and Roll" like the ones from Gamma Ray and Lizzy Bordan; it was an original.

I've sent out at least 50 emails in the past 2 years in search of this tune with no luck. Everybody so far has been completely stumped. I really need this tune to complete my recent Metal collection and I'm feeling desperate at this point. If anybody can help me out here I would be in your debt.

Would that mean you've got no idea Haup? Are you just trying to get your post count up or what? I mean, what's the fucking point you're trying to make man? Shit, with the pointless puking in the other threads and the general pointlessness of most of your other posts, anybody would think you've got nothing at all to say it, and have just chosen this BB to say it. Fuck.
whats the problem phlog? god 'hmmmmm' means im thinking about it...

how long have u had a problem with my posts? if you have a fuckin problem say it
I thought I just did. The world doesn't have to know your thinking about it. Hell, the 24 or so people on this board don't have to know about it. I think about lots of things, most of them I rarely post about.

Honestly, what was the point of the hmmm? Or the pukes in the other threads? As a matter of fact, I found the pukes insulting. If that's all you can contribute to a discussion, then you might as well just not post at all.

And for the record, it's not all your posts I have a problem with, it's just the pointless ones.
You feel " :puke: " with no reasoning behind it is a useful contribution to a discussion? "Hmmm.." for that matter?

In regards to the Two Towers thread, something along the lines of:

"I didn't like it, I prefer the Care Bear movie :puke: " would have been showing more respect. As it is you just discarded everyone elses opinion.
if i post just a :puke: obviously i dont feel i need to waste words on such a mediocre subject.
If such subjects are beneath you, then don't bother posting at all. Try not even reading them if it's taking too much of your precious time. Some people like wrestling. Others like certain kinds of movies. I'm sure that they don't care that you think it's mediocre.
ok man, i didnt set out to piss anyone off, thats the last thing on my mind......sincere apologies...
Sorry dude I must've been thinking of something else... I thought it could've been off a Madam X or Killer Drawfs record but I checked and it's not...