Anyone know what kind of insect this is?


Feb 20, 2005
Nope, the thread title wasn't a play on words, or a quote from some video - I genuinely want to know what kind of bug this is :lol: I've been seeing 'em in my room for the past couple of weeks, usually only one every few days, but I think I'm up to 5 or 6 total at this point. Also, because they inevitably have to meet their fate for coming into my domain, I can also tell you that they have a very strong smell when gooshed, kinda like a really un-ripe (meaning, green) banana :ill:


Any ideas?

EDIT: Smaller pic

Kissing bug
triatomines rubida

Kissing bugs received their name because they usually bite people near their mouth during the night while they sleep. They are blood-suckers, attracted to the light in our houses, the odors that we exhale, skin odors, and to the warmth of our bodies.

People have moderate to severe allergic reactions to the kissing bug bite. Severe reactions include swelling of the tongue and throat; swollen lymph nodes; small blood-filled blisters; anaphylactic reactions that cause breathing problems, a drop in blood pressure, and shock that can be lethal.

An associated health problem is Chagas Disease. This is caused by a potentially deadly parasite (Trypanosoma cruzi) that lives in the digestive system of the kissing bug and is excreted during defecation or urination of the kissing bug after feeding. If this parasite enters your blood stream through the bite site or an open wound, you might become infected. This is a major health issue in Central and South America where over 18 million people have become infected resulting in 14,000 deaths every year.
Anyone else notice the bugs missing 2 legs? hes already been in battle and won...shit man you better hit him with the sunday paper it looks like hes a tough one
Haha, not this time Andy :p

And jesus christ, Chagas disease is what killed Charles Darwin (I remember reading it was the "Benchooga Bug", which always cracked me up :lol: ) - I actually never have my window open, and when I do, there's a screen, so who knows how they got in my room; fortunately, I definitely haven't been bitten around the mouth, but this is my bedroom we're talking about...blecchhh

Anyway, fear not, that one met his doom in a paper towel wad immediately after I took this picture :heh:
Dude, Jon, now that I read what you posted again, I'm seriously getting freaked out by these little bastards - so far, they've been slow and had horrible reflexes, so I've been able to do the paper towel wad squeeze with each one on the first try, but those are only the ones I can see...
Bugs came from other galaxies some million years ago (the same as octopus, cuttlefishes, deep sea cresatures and Michael Jackson)

I've seen that insect in my country... didn't know they were dangerous.
I need a weapon to protect myself and my family.