anyone know what this is?

my guess is that it's the Japanese import, I think Crown is a Japanese record idea what the extra tracks are's quite well known that they didn't record any extra tracks..could be audio versions of the live tracks from the dvd ....
Wd said in BRAVE WORDS that they PICKED the heavgiest songs for teh record. ANd the rest were/are more on the ballad side.

Maybe they did record more tunes.......
The regular version came out a week before release date...the limited version came out after that....are you with me so far? I hear the new version comes with a coupon to get your money back for the first 2 versions you have bought if you redeem it @ Century Media's office in the Enron building
They will have a new office up next week,it will be right beside the kid selling lemonade,then the next week it will be in the back alley outside of Biohazards rehearsal space

(Biohazards rehearsal space,that a oxymoron)
Troyanasy said:
The regular version came out a week before release date...the limited version came out after that....are you with me so far? I hear the new version comes with a coupon to get your money back for the first 2 versions you have bought if you redeem it @ Century Media's office in the Enron building

"The regular version came out a week before release date...the limited version came out after that"

i got the limited edition from australia at the release date. i knew about the limited edition from about the same time as the regular album--there wasn't that much trickery involved with this one (unlike the DHIADW box set). this latest import isn't even a century media release, does that mean it's trickery on the band's part?
Not Century Media release? so a affiliate of CM?
I couldn't see CM having a distru-deal with anyone
It would be great if the band set up a 10% distru-deal
with a major chain eg. Tower Records or ...
The Offspring made rooms full of money by the DIY approach.Epitath reaped the rewards aswell.
Troyanasy said:
Not Century Media release? so a affiliate of CM?
I couldn't see CM having a distru-deal with anyone
It would be great if the band set up a 10% distru-deal
with a major chain eg. Tower Records or ...
The Offspring made rooms full of money by the DIY approach.Epitath reaped the rewards aswell.

on amazon it says the label is "crown." sanctuary6 wrote, "...I think Crown is a Japanese record company." i don't see crown in "THE CENTURY FAMILY" (listed at the bottom of
sure CM gets money. Its cheaper for CM to release the cd in another companies name in some countries...due to tarrifs and taxes.

Just Like Lee DOrrians lable ....rise above....when one of his bands are released in JAPAN, its released under the TOYS FACTORY lable. But LEE stil gets paid.

And when you go to LEE's site, you dont see toys factory in the family either. But if you look on the forien releases, youll see toys factory there.

And on teh toys factory releases of RISE ABOVE dont see rise above on the cd. ITs all about contracts.
Availability: This item will be released on October 27, 2003. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.


Gotta be live songs from any other possible gig they did. Release party? Seattle metal fest, type O shows...
Unregis said:
Availability: This item will be released on October 27, 2003. You may order it now and we will ship it to you when it arrives.


Gotta be live songs from any other possible gig they did. Release party? Seattle metal fest, type O shows...

is there any chance the EoR video could be on there?

ledmag makes a very good point.