Anyone know who this broad is?

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005

The nurse in this video looks REALLY familiar but I can't place a name. Like she was in some movie or some shit and I can't fucking remember it.
I could also just be a moron....which is prolly the case.
Someone help?
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Never listened to Helloween before. And it seems that I never will again. The broads looked like some random models.

that video is NOT AT ALL a true representation of Helloween ... it was a goofy cover version of one of their old songs ... I'm a lifelong fan of these guys and I wouldn't even buy this cd

actual Helloween

as for the chick ... I have no idea who she is
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EDIT: is that chick the same one on the cover of this shitty cd?