Anyone listened to the last Bal-Sagoth?


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
I don't own any Bal-Sagoth cd, but I just listened to Shackled to the Trilithon of Kutulu from their last album and that song kicks some asses! I want to know if the rest of the album is this good and if it's worth my money.
ive got it. i havent given it enough time yet. however, Starfire Burning and Battle Magic are great.
I don't understand the appeal of this band even a little bit. More power to you.
Eminor said:
I don't understand the appeal of this band even a little bit. More power to you.
well their past albums never really interested me, but that song I heard on their last album is a lot better than I what I heard thus far which is why I wanted to know if this was only an accident or not
Rhapsody with gr1m vocals, and their spoken narrative parts are just as laughably bad.

Saggy Ballsack play at all the power metal fests for some reason. They seem to have a bigger following in the power metal crowds than they do corpse paint satanists.

EDIT: That all reads like I don't like Bal Sagoth or Rhapsody. Not true, I like "Starfire..." but the new one is too synthy for me.
I like them because you can laugh hysterically and rock out ALL AT ONCE. Whereas listening to something like Rhapsody is more akin to rocking out while lovingly taking it up the poopchute, and there's nothing funny about that.
Two things:

-I just now realized that Squiddy is still wearing a Santa hat.

-It really doesn't make any sense why J. likes this awful, awful band.
Chromatose said:
Yes, it's great, and since you liked those songs you'll like the rest.

if you remember correctly, they even make driving through dallas epic and enjoyable. :kickass: