Anyone need any Collagen????


Sep 11, 2002
Hartford, CT C-Town!
if you can think of anyone that could use this please pass the word. lol

Better Skin through Science

Science is working to repair the ravages of age. The last several years have seen a huge leap forward in our ability to improve aged skin with laser treatments, dermal fillers, and other technologies which improve and stimulate new protein development. New injectable fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm are available which can enhance lips and bring a plump fullness to our skin. Botox is also often used to prevent dynamic lines which can often make us look old and tired. There are also a number of collagen injections, both human and bovine, which are used to improve the skin’s appearance. The goal of these treatments is to provide an instantaneous improvement to our face and provide soft tissue augmentation to replace what damage the sun has done.
Options for More Beautiful Skin

It’s an unfortunate reality that our skin begins looking less and less healthy as we age. This is due to many factors, chief among them being the sun. Sun exposure damages our skin’s collagen proteins and connective tissues, making our skin less attractive. We see the development of facial veins, wrinkles on the face, sagging skin, and thinning of our lips. Our skin begins to lose its elasticity and the fibrous protein matrix made of collagen and elastin in our skin becomes rigid as the sun does more and more damage.
The Patient’s Guide™ to Collagen

The goal of the Patient's Guide is to provide quality information about bovine or human collagen injections, dermal fillers, laser treatments, and other skin care methods, as well as a list of physicians who offer treatment for aging skin near you. As a Patient’s Guide™ website we are committed to providing our visitors accurate information that is reviewed and edited by some of the leaders in the field. Please do note that no website, advertising, or opinion can replace consultation with an expert physician and before making any decision on treatment, it is advisable to speak to your doctor first. :fu:
I know... it's hard to put two and two together some times. I'm sure your skin is fine Social Dis... but if you have watched some videos on youtube lately... someone's skin is looking pretty leather like, just sayin
I'm totally kidding with this. Someone made a bad joke to me a few days ago. Just seeing if I can get people to talk about something other then John Bush VS Belladonna.. so tired of read it.. for years... and years... and years........
You mean, DAN Nelson....right? :lol:


I often wonder what would have become of Anthrax with DAN Nelson as the lead singer.... I didn't mind him at all but there was something NOT RIGHT about him in my eyes. It was like taking someone from a high school talent show and then throwing him right up on American Idol... you just can't do that...

Things worked out for the best, besides.. he barked more then he sang!
If Don was still in Anthrax they eventually would have had to change their name to "Make Some Fuckin' Noise"
What would happen if Nelson stayed in Anthrax? It's easy to say. Scott would be still refering to him as the best singer Anthrax has ever had :lol: