Gothic-Stained Night


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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Hushed voices of the wind
Caressing the mountians' skin
Jewels that exsist only in your eyes
A touch that cannot be described
Tonight, high above the stars
We set free a power unbeknown
A release so pure and free
Under the dark, torn blanket sky
Cradled in mist dancing to spring
Candles lit for us in the Heavens
Wolves chanting night rites
As condensation beads and slides
Untouched by the hand of Frost
Unseen by thy twisted God's eye
Warmth created, keeping coldness at bay
Not an inch of us is dry
Bathed in moonlight and bitter water
Totally shrouded in surreal dreams
And drenched in liquidified love
Til Dawn awakes to see our sin
Our skin will crawl with lust
Why must the night end, be so short?
...Then Dawn awakes to our symphony screams...
...God damn. :yow:

That's good shit there. Lemme see what I can dig up from my class's poetry unit.

The Dead Generation

Hurry up, this trend won’t last forever, so buy now before it’s gone dead.
Be what you’re not, come and sever the cords of the life that you led.
A sinking ship of fools in an endless sea of failure
Navigate their broken reef of rules.

Lifeless dreams of glowling lights and roads, of growing old before you’re born;
Crushing pressure from your unseen load makes you crippled, weak and torn.
Children rush to embrace a passion they don’t know
Because slow and steady never wins the race.

Have you ever seen a seven-year old boy told to take it like a man?
Have you seen sixth-grade girls abandon their toys to discuss their favorite condom brand?
See your world revolving turn to dust, you’ve been betrayed –
Promises swallowed up by lust.

The puppet master pulls the piper’s strings,
The piper plays and the madman dances to his tune.
The madman raises his children to hate,
The children grow up fast, so they can leave home soon.

Look out! The sky is falling down
Beware - your life has turned around
Believe that nothing can go wrong
Grow old...soon you’ll be dead and gone

I've got I can type up some shit from my class's anthology, featuring poets who beat the absolute howling fuck out of me. Have you got any others right now?
Originally posted by Pyrus
featuring poets who beat the absolute howling fuck out of me. Have you got any others right now? [/B]

:lol: Yours was great anyway.

And to see more of Liz's awesome poems, you can always scroll down and see some.