Anyone out there have a Prince Albert?


May 11, 2001
Cary, NC
OK fellow Opethians. Question for you men:

Anyone out there have a prince albert piercing? I've been talking to my wife about it over the past week, and I'm debating whether or not to do it. Anyone have one?
Originally posted by Sadistik

:confused: :confused: :confused:

plz explain in more simple english...

is it a c0ck-piercing?
Holy shit! Please tell me you are joking. I could NEVER do that to myself. Sure, it's supposed to give better sexual results blah blah, but let's face will have a steel rod through your penis!

My friend had a Prince Albert. It made peeing a bit of a challenge, but he said his lip ring hurt more. The little round nut on one end of the ring fell off though and the ring slipped part way out while he was sleeping and the hole started to heal over, so he just took it out all the way. He has a video tape of him getting it done.
I've heard that it actually hurt as mush as some other piercings. The healing process will be pretty hard though. You shouldn't fuck for two weeks. One guy got drunk and fucked on the same day he got the piercing: Not very nice to wake up with a hangover and stumble into the toilet only to find out that peeing has become your so-far-most-difficult challenge.

I had my nipple pierced last summer. It's enough for me!
I was watching "love line" a long time ago you know with Adam Corola or what ever his last name is, and Dr. Dre, (the white one). And some guy had a Prince Albert and he was talking about how somehow it got caught, and riped the end of his penis. And the ring was hanging half way out, and the stupid guy said "Do you think I should pull it out? It keeps bleeding and I don't know why?" :lol: I loved that t.v. show :lol: