Anyone Play Online Poker?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Figured I'd create a thread for the topic seeing as how it pairs quite well with digesting to new music and I'm generally playing while posting on here. It's passive enough so you can focus on the music and browse forums, but involving enough that you don't get too bored.

I play on Pokerstars- mostly pot limit hold'em. Online play money no-limit tends to attract the dipshits who can all-in pre-flop with absolutely nothing, but getting paid off in NL for more than you would in PL just when you have the nuts doesn't happen all that often. I find that PL removes the less desirable aspects of NL, while not losing much of the desirable. I'm up to just over 300k from 1k starting(no big deal for play money) but if I ever get the time I'd like to try a freeroll.

Omaha H/L can be fun too, but nothing quite touches hold'em.