How to be an online metal head

You didn't need to fix it, you just needed to tell me you meant the musician.
And Val's meatspun everyone enough that I doubt you'd get reported. I wouldn't.
The most childish thing you can do as an internet metalhead,and something which is not very rare to do on UM, is to answer someones long rant on something by quoting it and then just typing;"no".
Explain why the fuck you disagree instead of just trying to look cool would be my advice to that fourteen year old.
I have a fever..

The most childish thing you can do as an internet metalhead,and something which is not very rare to do on UM, is to answer someones long rant on something by quoting it and then just typing;"no".
Explain why the fuck you disagree instead of just trying to look cool would be my advice to that fourteen year old.

Sometimes there's actually a fairly eloquent point made by responding to what seems to be a well-thought-out and intricate post which is actually just a long-winded crock of shit with something of such brevity that the contrast is both inevitable and poignant, as well as humorous. The actual complexity of such a response is belied by its seemingly trite nature.

Of course this isn't always the case.
I haven't been rickroll'd or meatspun. I'm just that awesome.
I have. I don't care. I'm confident enough in my heterosexuality that seeing men fucking doesn't really upset me, and Rick Astley is the bomb.

Sometimes there's actually a fairly eloquent point made by responding to what seems to be a well-thought-out and intricate post which is actually just a long-winded crock of shit with something of such brevity that the contrast is both inevitable and poignant, as well as humorous. The actual complexity of such a response is belied by its seemingly trite nature.

Of course this isn't always the case.
Despite being a poor reviewer, I've violated #5 a lot(sans the caps and exlamations abuse). What can I say(is it just me or is someone deliberately editing my posts :lol: ah nevermind ), it's interesting to see why people like/dislike certain music.
Their analysis, if only it doesn't cross the line into irrelevant word wizardry, sometimes can help me hear nuances in the music that I may have missed.

This article's so true. All metal genres are metal, but if you don't like it, you don't have to be an internet tough guy about it, just makes you look like a puss.