Anyone see the new Enslaved dates?


Shadow I am
Sep 23, 2006
Don't know how many here are fans but I'm pretty happy because I missed their last tour. They will be touring in November and December with The Faceless, Arsis, and The Agonist

Nov. 4- Tremont Music Hall with Arsis and The Agonist
This will be the show I will be attending, there are plenty other dates though.

kinda sucks The Faceless won't be at this show but I will see them on Summer Slaughter this year.
I didn't look it up on the calender. Nor did I look up the other date. So I wasn't aware that they're both on the weekend. =p

Shit, neither was I. I may turn this into a weekend trip as well. I have never saw Enslaved live so I'm looking forward to this.
I just bought Enslaved's "Below the Lights" the other day. I was so mad I couldn't see them last time they came around - but we'll do it right this time. Brian, I'm up for the cartrip!

By the way - anyone who went to those shows: How does Enslaved draw?
Is Arsis any good live now with only 1 founding member left (i.e. since the drummer left)?

BTW. Arsis and Into Eternity are in a fight to be on the most tours and play the most US dates this year. So far its a close race.