Anyone seen any reviews/interviews ?

r parduba

Jan 8, 2007
We did some interviews anyone see them online and if so where can we see them ? Also any reviews of KIT X or our show on the internet.



Hi, Can you give us an idea on the time this is going to be on I went on the website and can't locate it. Do we have to go thru YOU TUBE ?



Hi, Can you give us an idea on the time this is going to be on I went on the website and can't locate it. Do we have to go thru YOU TUBE ?



hey bob...

STRIKE - the metal-tv-show on www. streetclip. tv - available for everybody for free - each Saturday and Sunday 9:30pm/0:30am/3:30am (German time-zone!)

On May 31 and June 01: THE BIG KEEP IT TRUE FESTIVAL 2008 SPECIAL ON STRIKE! Three hours of metallic entertainment! Check out this special issue of STRIKE this weekend!

21:30 - Strike! w/Neudi[backPid]=42&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=231

to start the player check the link at the mainpage...

unfortunately i can't make it work on my mac :/
although i got the firefox vlc plug in ...
but they won't show any live material anyway, just did some interviews ...

here's some technical help if you need it:

Technical information

Streetclip.TV is broadcasting with MMS (Microsoft Multimedia Stream) and can be viewed with Windows Media Player and the referring Plugins in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Netscape.

If you have technical problems or requests, please contact our Technical Support.

Users of Apple Macintosh Computers can get the stream only with the VLC Player under Mac OS-X.
Please note that there's no possibility to watch Streetclip.TV with Mac OS 9 or even lower!!


1. Download VLC-Player + VLC Web Browser plugin at (you have to scroll down)
2. Pick plugin for Intel or PowerPC dependant on the type of machine you use
3. Start installer / routine
4. For use in Firefox-Browser check "Mozilla" (PC-User: to view screenshot, click here)
5. After stream loaded, press start button "High" or "Low" in the player toolbar.

Direct downloads:
VLC Browser-plugin for PowerPC MAC
VLC Browser-plugin Intel MAC
VLC Player

Linux User

To view the stream on Linux machines you will have to install the VLC browser plugin in addition to the default VLC Player. You most likely can get it via your distributions packaging system.
Note Browser

Mozilla (Firefox): As far as it is not possible yet with this browser to handle the fullscreen-modus automatically, please choose this option in the context menue (mouse click right) with "zoom > fullscreen".
Note Firewall

Your Firewall should not block port "1234" in order to receive the signal.