Anyone up for vocals? (Melodic stuff, kinda Gothenburg melodeath :)

Finally I got around to recording something again after joining the army. Here's a work-in-progress mix of my new song: - Sleep Paralysis WIP1.mp3 . The mix still needs a lot of work and the drum programming is going to have a facelift, but the song structure is there in it's final form.

If anyone's interested (Derfbonker? :D), I'd really appreciate if someone would like to throw in some vocals for this one. The lyrics are almost finished.

Also, feedback on the song (writing and production wise) is always welcome! :)
What's the setup for the guitars?? Sound amazing...

Cheers! The guitars were quad tracked with My LTD EC-400 (EMG81 in the bridge, dropped B tuning, 13-56 strings) to the instrument input of my Firepod. In Cubase I had the signal chain as follows: Wagner Sharp (Drive 1 o'clock, bass 4, middle 11, treble 2:30) -> Voxengo Curve EQ (with a spectrum I captured from a friend's 5150 preamp out) -> PerfectSpace (GuitarHack's Fredman impulses) -> Curve EQ (with a spectrum taken from Chimaira's Black heart) -> Waves C4 (the infamous Sneap setting). I put the guitar tracks on a group channel and added some minor EQ (HP/LP, a small dip at ~600Hz and a small boost at around 1-2KHz).
Cheers guys! Finding people to do vocals for my songs is a major pain in the ass, since there's not a single talented metal vocalist where I live. A friend of mine has a rather nice voice both screaming and doing clean stuff, but he's in school ~300km away and I'm in the army at the moment, so we don't get to sit in front of my DAW that often, which is a shame. All the other vocalists I know are either more qualified in clean singing or not that qualified in anything :)
Hey dude, did i do vocals for you before? I forget....

If you want me to, i can gives these a try.....Up to you, let me know.

If you want me to, PM me a link with the WAVE its not an MP3
Hey dude, did i do vocals for you before? I forget....

If you want me to, i can gives these a try.....Up to you, let me know.

If you want me to, PM me a link with the WAVE its not an MP3

Hmm, maybe it was the song called Shadow people, with the little mix-up in with the vocals? :) I'd be grateful if you tried throwing something up for this one, I'll drop you the wave file later tomorrow when I get to my DAW!

BTW, sorry for the delayed response, I spent this week in a fucking cold tent with my rifle and eleven other guys freezing my ass off, so I couldn't check my mail :/
Here's the latest mix of the song (still no vocals, though - hopefully that'll change soon): - Sleep Paralysis WIP5.mp3

I completely redid the guitars (Revalver MKIII this time, man that plugin slays!), tweaked the drums quite a bit etc. Now that I'm rather happy with the mix myself, I would really appreciate some constructive criticism tonewise! :)
i just listened all the way through while reading the lyrics...and now i'm going to do so a few more times while drinking a couple beers, then i'll take a crack at some vocals on here for ya

hopefully i end up with something that i find good enough to actually send your way
i just listened all the way through while reading the lyrics...and now i'm going to do so a few more times while drinking a couple beers, then i'll take a crack at some vocals on here for ya

hopefully i end up with something that i find good enough to actually send your way

Excellent :headbang: Be sure to send me anything you come up with, I'm really curious to hear! :)
Cool mix! Sounds a lot like modern In Flames... that clean part sounds like it could be straight out of Bullet Ride! Haha... good shit!

You're dead right. I recorded the song, went to the army for a week, came back and listened to the track again and realised the part is actually almost identical to Bullet ride. After banging my head against the wall for a moment I thought fuck it, it's a good enough song to copy! :D And thanks, much appreciated!
Excellent :headbang: Be sure to send me anything you come up with, I'm really curious to hear! :)

i'm working on it now, be honest i'm having a little trouble getting down the timing for the chorus lines, but other than that, i think i'm getting a pretty good feel for it

i'm just really hoping i can get some good takes here. i have a bunch of instrumentals i'm working on that i was planning on doing the vox for, and this would be a great warm-up, seeing how i've never seriously recorded myself before
i'm working on it now, be honest i'm having a little trouble getting down the timing for the chorus lines, but other than that, i think i'm getting a pretty good feel for it

i'm just really hoping i can get some good takes here. i have a bunch of instrumentals i'm working on that i was planning on doing the vox for, and this would be a great warm-up, seeing how i've never seriously recorded myself before

Did you come up with anything? :)

By the way, I recorded some very scratch vocals just as a reference for the timing of the lyrics, if anyone's up for it.