ANyone use Saffire pro 40s with W7 and PT 10?


May 23, 2005
St Louis
Having major issues getting this running stable. I keep getting errors that shut down PT,
1 is
- ASIO device properties have been changed by the device control panel-
and the other is
-Problem detected with audio clock. Check that your clock source and sample rate are correct-

I have searched mutliple forums and cant find a solution. Emailed focusrite but haven't heard back. Any chance someone here used them and found a fix?
Yes i've been doing that since it happened. No dice. I finally got it working by swiping my computer and starting from scratch. It hasn't crashed again yet so I am hopeful it is fixed. This is all thanks to absolutely no help from focusrite tech support. Seriously the worst tech support I have ever dealt with. Got an email today that read "glad you have it working ok, ever tried usuing your pro 40s in dual mode?"

This after my last reply 2 days "earlier of it ran for an hour then crashed 4 times immediately upon opening pro tools." Lesson learned. No more focusrite shit for me.
Yes i've been doing that since it happened. No dice. I finally got it working by swiping my computer and starting from scratch. It hasn't crashed again yet so I am hopeful it is fixed. This is all thanks to absolutely no help from focusrite tech support. Seriously the worst tech support I have ever dealt with. Got an email today that read "glad you have it working ok, ever tried usuing your pro 40s in dual mode?"

This after my last reply 2 days "earlier of it ran for an hour then crashed 4 times immediately upon opening pro tools." Lesson learned. No more focusrite shit for me.

Yeah man, sorry I have no help but I have the same ill feelings towards focusrite. Even though my Saffire Pro 26 is a great piece of hardware, I have sworn off of them because I constantly have to restart my system due to driver issues. I will on a regular basis lose control Saffire Control, and every once in a while I will get absolutely no sound coming through my monitors even though all the meters are going. I have tried many different firewire cards including their beloved Texas Instruments and even built a new computer, the same issues have carried over no matter what. I had a thread about this a while ago and a Focusrite rep came in to try and do some PR damage control, but he was as you said, utterly fucking useless.
Hi guys,

Sorry that you seem to have had a bad experience with Focusrite Technical Support, obviously this is something we would like to resolve moving forward. If possible, please could you let me know your email case numbers so that I can investigate further, I would like to check these so we can ensure that all customers are sent information that is both helpful, informative and not irrelevant to your case. You can PM this information if you would prefer.

With regards to Pro Tools, we do see some fairly consistent niggling issues with it on Windows, such as the above mentioned issue with deselecting device within Windows I/O & only selecting it with PT playback engine. It also seems to be extremely sensitive with regards to how sample rates are set between Windows, the session & Mix Control.

Its good to know that you're up and working again, obviously a system wipe/restart is not ideal, but this may have straightened out a deep system/registry issue that may have been causing issues with your Firewire card, causing dropouts.
As well as the above, dropouts are are often caused by DPC latency, an interrupt request by another driver/hardware combo that is preventing your PC from streaming audio in real time. To check if this is indeed the issue, you could download the DPC latency checker from this website, you can monitor the graphs to check for spikes that could be causing audio issues : (Win 7) (Win 8)

If this is mainly happening when recording, as opposed to playback, then please run the software while running your DAW at the same time.

Hope the above helps.

Simon // Focusrite Technical Support