Anyone using a Presonus Firepod AND an FP10 together?


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Here's what I have to start off with:

HP Pavillion dv6000 notebook - 1.6GHz, 2 GB RAM, Vista 32bit Home Ed
Presonus Firepod
Presonus FP10 (I have one of each. I say this to avoid anyone thinking I can't figure out which one I have, and being told "they are the same thing, they just changed the name").
Nuendo 3, though this will turn out to be slightly insignificant with my problem

Here's my issue:
I've had my Firepod since July of 07. It functioned without much error until I ordered an FP10 and recieved it this week. I hooked my FP10 to my Firepod, and it didn't detect it. I installed the FP10 driver that came on cd with the unit (version 2.44). It hooked up fine (let me note that at this time the original Firepod driver/control panel was still installed, I think version 2.42). It was giving me some issues as far as recording, like a bunch of noise and it would just quit after a few seconds of recording as if it was too much load...but it worked, both in sync.

I downloaded the upgrade to version 2.46 to see if it would help. There was no change. I then decided "hey, I probably don't need the Firepod software anymore, since the FP10 software (newly upgraded as well) should work fine" since I had both the Firepod Control Panel and the FP10 Control Panel now. I uninstalled the Firepod (2.42) software.

Now, and after several uninstall/reinstall of both 2.44 and 2.46, it won't sync with my Firepod at all...whether linked to the FP10 or not. Even during reinstall, when it says "plug in the unit to your computers 1394 port and turn the power on, then click next" and it looks for compatable hardware, it won't find it. Plug in the FP10, it's fine. After software is installed, it finds the FP10 ok, but will not show the Firepod in the control panel (as it did before when I first installed everything).

I, conveniently, cannot find my original Firepod disc to try and see if installing the original software back on my laptop will fix the Firepod from being goofy.

I have read quite a bit today on laptop/1394/firepod & fp10 issues involving integrated 4-pin and reccomendations of getting a 1394 express card to cure some problems (most likely the cure for the glitchy audio I was having before when I first hooked the two together), but could this also have something to do with my Firepod acting out of line? I'd like to think not, if my FP10 is working.

I've also posted this on the Presonus forum, but I thought I'd hit it here also. Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!
Sorry to hear your having problems man, I just went through a nightmare hellish event with my firepods and OS. I installed the new drivers v 2.4.6 and it fucked up the pods, everthing worked great before but after the update when i armed a track for monitoring in nuendo and had the pods pre trim turned all the way down it will still let audio pass through both mic and instrument level signals. so thinking it was just time to do a reformate on my local drive becouse it had been along time since it was last done thats when my peronal hell began lol I was using Media edition as my OS and had not one problem recording my bands album and several other locals demos. I call presonus tech support and they tell of course if i go drop money for XP pro "I will never look back" So i did, Enter the second phase of nightmare. Did you know that if your pc has SATA drives and you try and install XP pro that for some strange reason the installer wont recognize your product key as being valid. So in order to get XP pro on my machine i had to install all PATA / IED drives to get XP to install, once XP pro was installed then i could hook up my SATA drives and have the OS recognize them. So after all that bullshit i get XP pro intalled and the firepods I open up a nuendo project and what do you know....same fucking problem so out of desperation i order 2 new FP 10s, get them hooked up and ready to go....same fucking problem with the audio still being able to pass through the pod with the preamps trim all the way down. The good news is i was able to get a usable signal without clipping to get guitars for a project done. So with all that said i think the new driver 2.4.6 is shit! and one more thing if you are daisy chaining 2 pods they have removed the s/pdif connetivity, fuckin jack offs, i whent from loving the pods to hating them in about a weeks time.
you might have to upgrade the firmwear on your older firepod to fp10 firmware...

that way your computer will see two chained fp10's instad of a firepod and fp10...

Any idea how? I looked for the "Firmware" update on Presonus, and found lots of stuff talking about a 'Firmware update version 2.14.25' or something, but it's nowhere to be least I am not seeing it.
I sympathise with anyone that has had Firepod problems. I did also initially. It turns out however some of my probs were cause by the crappy usb/firewire combo card with an NEC chipset that I had at the time. :Puke:

I salvaged a Texas Instruments card from a PC that was in a skip though and no problems since.:)

The old driver update download (can't remember the version) on the presonus site used to come with a seperate file for the firmware update, to enable you to use the Firepod without connecting to a PC (just for the pre-amps and outputs) and to enable the daisy chaining thing.

That seems to have disappeared now..? I daren't install the 2.46 version.

Might be worthwhile getting on to Presonus yet again to see if they sort something out for you.

P.S. I ended up using the firmware update but sticking with the original drivers/control panel that came on the original disc with the Firepod. When I updated the drivers shortly after getting my Firepod I ended up with errors like "No sound device connected to the PC" and random crashes n things. Plus longer loading times too I think. Hence why i stuck with the original ones.

Perhaps I could get the original drivers to you somehow - from my disc. So that you can try them again?
So I just called them again (I called them yesterday and sat on hold waiting for assistance for 25mins, so I hung up). This time I got through after a minute, and the guy hooked me up with a firmware update. Basically he said that you have to update the Firepod to be recognized as an FP10, otherwise the software won't recognize it. The dude was rather friendly too, as he sent me a link to thier preferred notebook express 1349 card (though I already had the link, I still think thats good service).

If anyone needs this specific firmware update, hit me up and I'll send it to you. It's called "PC_FirePod_to_FP10.exe" so that should be self explanatory as to what it's not the normal firmware update from the way I understand it.

I can't get it to work for me yet, but I think it's just because of my laptop not recognizing the hardware since I loaded the FP10 drivers. I'm going to try doing it on another comp here in a while. I need to go to bed for now.
Ok, still having problems....I think because I don't have the original "FirePod" software installed, that my machine is not detecting the device. The "FP10" software isn't seeing the Firepod hardware (see above post).

Any chance anyone here could hit me with the Firepod (ver 2.42, I believe) driver install from the disc? I cannot find my Firepod disc at the moment.