Anyone wanna help a recording noob?


Jan 18, 2010
Ye Olde England
Hey guys, I came across this website a little while ago and found it to be incredibly helpful and decided to sign up today to hopefully get the best out of it :D

Now down to buisiness, I recently bought a POD X3 live and it seems to have fueled my passion for music which is always a good thing, now my only problem is I havent got a clue when it comes to things like EQ, which is essential for making good mixes, so I was wondering if people could give me a few pointers using as basic terminology as possible :)

thats a sample of a song im working on atm without any EQing (I use reaper btw)

I used the patch found in this thread:
and tweaked the drive up a little as suggested

I know when it comes to EQ its more or less up to the individual but please keep in mind I'm completely new to this, so any help at all would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance :D

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I recorded 4 guitars, 2 panned 100% and 2 panned 50%
ahh that sounds so much better already :headbang: Yeah I kinda realised after a little while how riddiculously loud the volume of the bass was in comparison to the rest, ill be sure to change that should I upload another clip.

Any pointers you have in order to improve my sound like you've just done? :D
Yeah, ill get the balance better next time hopefully, and about EQ, I was wondering if there were any basic guides to get me started? I hear people talking about how to get more 'attack' and 'sub bass' and whatnot from EQing, but I dont even know what most of these terms mean :s
I understand that EQing involves having a good set of ears and alot of tweaking to get the right sound, but like I said I'm completely new to this, if you had any general advice or useful links giving me the basics in words that I can understand it would be much appreciated :D

EDIT: oh, and if you could tell me roughly what you did EQwise make my sample sound so much better, that would be great to :)