Anyone want to write some reviews for fun?


New Metal Member
Hi everyone, we're running this review site (just launched recently actually) and we think it has potential. For the potential to become reality, however, we need some more people to write for us. If you think you have what it takes to talk about an album you like/dislike, fire up yer email clients or whatnot and mail with your details and a piece, and we'll look over it. We might even add it to the site (if it's any good that is - if it's crap we'll just pretend that we deleted your email amongst all the spam we also receive).

So anyway, enough talk already, here's the URL:

The Welkin -

We try to do a wide variety of music styles, but its mostly progressive rock, black/death metal, 70s music, etc. but almost anything is of interest (email us first if you're wondering about your choice of album). For now the only satisfaction you get is to see your name on a growing website as well as your writing, but in the future we might be able to get promo discs and demo tapes

Hope you guys decided to help out!
