Anyone work in retail and ready to shit themselves this holiday?

Chryst Krispies

Vanilla Gorilla
Jul 27, 2005
I had a day off today and smoked my first real cigar with some cronies, because after today the holiday bullshit season starts.

Ready for battle this black friday selling. I've never worked in retail and it sucks ass so 10 and a half hour shits can suck DEEZ NUTZ.
eh...people overhype that shit way too much

i've been working doing retail shit for a while now...and the whole "black sunday" deal is over the top and all, but it's nowhere near as terrible as people make it out to be...
It's insane. When I had a retail job, I worked 22 hours for Black Friday. Fortunately, I had the next day off, so I was able to hibernate.

Customers will fucking fight to the death for THE DEALZ. To them, I guess it's like THE RIFF. Bow before the alter of The Dealz?? ugh.
Customers will fucking fight to the death for THE DEALZ. To them, I guess it's like THE RIFF. Bow before the alter of The Dealz?? ugh.

Hahahaha, some people gotta take whatever meaning they can get for their pitiful lives, I guess - still, nothing comes close to the feeling of LIVING INSIDE THE RIFFZ :lol:
It's the day after Thanksgiving (next Thursday), and for some reason is considered the biggest shopping day in the US. As a result, there are tons of "black Friday specials" that stores do, where things are marked down ridiculously in price, and so shoppers line up at midnight to try to score big. Pretty stupid if you ask me, though my roommate last year got a 32" LCD for $400 (granted, it's a crappy one, but that's still like $150 off what it normally costs)
sounds ugly, I used to work in a record store, before christ(mass) it was horrible! but I had some good laughter about old women complaining about slayer playing in the backround while santa was giving some stuff to the children.
Hahahahaha, I assume that was your doing, very festive choice :lol: And on the topic of black friday, is it ever decent stuff that gets marked down, or is it always cheap stuff that just gets made cheaper?
I'll never understand that shit to be honest. Is it really that important to have the best deal you can possibly find on something...? 90% of the time it's not even the "something" that you want! I bet most of these people will settle on the item simply because it's a good deal. Lammmmmmmmme.

I plan on being hungover and in a turkey coma the day after Thanksgiving.

It's the stupidest thing in the world. Plus they were corny about it and made me work the morning shift after a night shift.

I can't wait to try and rob those stupid fucks though.

I work in a call center for Musician's Friend (also handle a bunch of other brands too) and I am not looking forward to this season. Since the economy has been so bad, people aren't buying as much gear as they use to - and the stupid promotions they're running are sure to lure in a bunch of sales. Just crazy discounts with very limited stock.

Not to mention each brand (GuitarCenter, Music123,, etc) have different promos that we have to memorize. Someone shoot me :waah:
And on the topic of black friday, is it ever decent stuff that gets marked down, or is it always cheap stuff that just gets made cheaper?

it's usually the most shit-cheap generic brand chinese crap that they've marked down to at or just above cost

think about it, though...all of that shit is meant to be x-mas gifts, really...why drop $800 on a 32" sony/panasonic LCD TV for someone when you can get them a shitty one for $400?
it's usually the most shit-cheap generic brand chinese crap that they've marked down to at or just above cost

think about it, though...all of that shit is meant to be x-mas gifts, really...why drop $800 on a 32" sony/panasonic LCD TV for someone when you can get them a shitty one for $400?

Yeah, makes sense - all the more reason for me to avoid black Friday, I've always been willing to pay for quality in my electronics!
Well we just got our first batch of 500 temps for this holiday season at the building I work at. Mandatory 50's started and 60's are in the worx for most of December. Ten years and it never seems normal. I fucking hate J.K.Rowling. I wonder if I'll see people run against traffic with stolen video games again this year.