anything left for my to find?

So you like bands that use BOTH clean and harsh vocals, yes?

No love for Opeth? They're the first band that comes to mind when I think of clean and harsh. How about Dimmu Borgir? They rule, you should love them. But you probably already know them so maybe you don't like them... Anyway, also check out Byzantine and Despised Icon.
i think most people have misunderstood me, i simply meant that from listening to lots of metal, that is the the style i like. ive tried plenty of black and death metal but i just can't get into it. i must admit i haven't explored thrash that much though, and i do like some mdm stuff such as dark tranquility and opeth. the stuff i listed is just the bands that i like in that styles, not everyone i like overall, i only put those bands down because i was specifically looking for bands in that vein. i will look into the recommendations ive got thanks. but yeh when i said 'anything left to find', i meant in that style, not in metal in general.
So you like bands that use BOTH clean and harsh vocals, yes?

No love for Opeth? They're the first band that comes to mind when I think of clean and harsh. How about Dimmu Borgir? They rule, you should love them. But you probably already know them so maybe you don't like them... Anyway, also check out Byzantine and Despised Icon.

both, yeh. i do like opeth. DB i haven't listened to enough of but i will now, and i shall look up the other 2, thanks.
circle of dead children, see it now? If you stare long enough....
I see circle.
What is that? I give up.

Look up everything I stated or I'll yell at you more.
V's recs are almost always good, and his sarcasm can be withering. Fear him, respect him, worship him as a god, or put him on ignore.
Note that if you ignore me I reserve all rights to mod the shit out of you. PH33R SMITING.

BTW, that band with the unreadable logo is Fröstskög. I know this because I am omnipotent. And also because I right-click-viewed the image, copied the band's number into the generic M-A address for bands, and clicked Enter.

Even though you can do the same thing with this, try to figure out this band:

Note that if you ignore me I reserve all rights to mod the shit out of you. PH33R SMITING.

BTW, that band with the unreadable logo is Fröstskög. I know this because I am omnipotent. And also because I right-click-viewed the image, copied the band's number into the generic M-A address for bands, and clicked Enter.

Even though you can do the same thing with this, try to figure out this band:

A good logo is only legible if you know the band, but is legible. Those 2 are just illegible.
Rapture, Katatonia, and Agalloch all fit what you're looking for, a little outside the genre you're used to. Try em out.