anything left for my to find?

Ok I get what anglo wants now. If you like Soilwork definitly check out Scar Symmetry, they're pretty much a clone band except their album Pitch Black is even better than anything Soilwork has ever done.

If you like Darkane definitly check out Meshuggah, they're so similar u can call them clones.

I still retain the album recommendation Back to the Times of Splendor from Disillusion cause they retain a style that is similar to Opeth, except better I think cause it took them 10 years to make the album...

Protest the Hero is an amazing metalcore band if u like metalcore. Definitly the best of the best. Also try out Circle Meets Square's debut album and Between the Buried and Me (any album) for more good metalcore. Converge's Jane Doe, although, is the pinnacle of metalcore... but that is if u really like metalcore.

Also Metallica is the best place to start ALWAYS if you wanna get into thrash, any of their first four is great.

Dodheimsgard - 666 International is the best industrial metal album I ever heard... recommended if you like Fear Factory and if u like black metal voxs. There's nothing evil in it, it's actually kinda funny to listen to haha. Idk u might not like it cause of the black vocals.

That's all I have to recommend cause I can't think up of anything else although I know that I know a lot more I could recommend based on your taste.

Möglich;7295767 said:
Rapture, Katatonia, and Agalloch all fit what you're looking for, a little outside the genre you're used to. Try em out.

No to Agalloch and Rapture cause he mentioned earlier on that he doesn't like black or death metal. Katatonia is a maybe because he never listened to anything like that before.
agalloch is neither black nor death metal. they are rock

What makes you think that. How can they be rock when they have folkish instruments and how can they not be black metal when the vocals are black metal. Further more, even if they didn't have all of that, they are far too heavy to not be rock.
i don't. i didn't bring up lame ass agalloch in the first place and usually we shouldn't talk about folk rock bands with semi harsh vocals in a metal forum
i don't. i didn't bring up lame ass agalloch in the first place and usually we shouldn't talk about folk rock bands with semi harsh vocals in a metal forum

LOL that's cause they are folkish black metal... man these forums badly needs me to teach the new peeps here what genres are which.. ok.

Black Metal = anything heavy with black metal vocals aka a screechy and evil sounding style of vocals

Folk Metal = metal with folkish influences

Combined together to = folkish black metal.

Get it now?:lol: that's why the forums talk about Agalloch cause they r metal!
theres nothing remotely black metal about their music. it's folk fucking hard rock. vocals have shit all to do with it. just because the guy has a sucky voice doesn't mean that musically they have anything to do with black metal.
theres nothing remotely black metal about their music. it's folk fucking hard rock. vocals have shit all to do with it. just because the guy has a sucky voice doesn't mean that musically they have anything to do with black metal.

So you think black metal bands have horrible vocals?
no i just think the agalloch dude does. some do, some don't but i am talking about what kinda music they play. frank fucking sinatra could sing for them and they would still be folk hard rock. attila could sing for them and they would still be folk hard rock.
no i just think the agalloch dude does. some do, some don't but i am talking about what kinda music they play. frank fucking sinatra could sing for them and they would still be folk hard rock. attila could sing for them and they would still be folk hard rock.

Wat. But the vocals for Agalloch are awesome I love them. That dude can change his voice in so many cool ways. He even sounds like a snake sometimes.

But seriously, have you listened to black metal before, Agalloch's sound sounds so similar to the musical genre so it has to be black metal.
yeah, i listen to them once in a great while when i'm in the mood for some folky hard rock tunes. which is never. but i know what they sound like. just because they aren't black metal doesn't in any way mean they are bad. i just don't like them because they a kinda gay.

obviously they are a talented band and they write decent little folk rock ditties that go on and on without going anywhere but they just aren't my thing. if i go through some kinda folky rock stage in my life i may give them a spin but probably not because they are too gay even for folk rock.

i like my black metal to be more along the lines of black metal with the riffs and drumming not like folk rock since that has nothing to do with this forum either. anyways, i quit this conversation because we aren't helping the guy find more metalcore bands or numetal or whatever it is he wants. it sure as hell aint agalloch that he wants because this is a metal forum and not a folk rock forum. but, you already said that, too, so we are in agreement about that.
yeah, i listen to them once in a great while when i'm in the mood for some folky hard rock tunes. which is never. but i know what they sound like. just because they aren't black metal doesn't in any way mean they are bad. i just don't like them because they a kinda gay

So that means you never listen to Agalloch. Agalloch is an amazing band if you like them... but still idc what u say it's folkish black metal, not hard folk rock. I guess you don't like folkish black metal either. So do you think OM from Negura Bunget is hard folk rock to? Look on any site, no site calls them a rock band. If you find a site that actually calls them rock let me know and show me the proof mate cause I'd like to see.
you are right, most people call them metal (no one calls them black metal). but, those people are wrong just like you are. i did find one fellow who agrees with me, though. it's a review from metal archives (about against the grain):

Heavy Elevator Music. - 50%
Written by caspian on February 28th, 2008

For some reason, I eat a lot of bread and butter pudding. It wasn't until I was writing this review that I knew why. I didn't really like it all that much- it tastes decent, but not too great- but the reason why is pretty much the same reason why I listen to Agalloch. Pretty simple really- bread and butter pudding, like this band/album, is fairly pleasant (sweet but not TOO sweet), has a fairly nice texture, goes down well, and doesn't give me constipation and what not.

Of course, there will be those who say: "Shut up, this is a cold/desolate/dark/melancholic album", or whatever, but those people would be advised to grow some bigger testicles. Fact of the matter is that Agalloch are quite bland and somewhat inoffensive (hell, my Mum likes 'em), and while the most complimentary adjective I can think of for them is 'pleasant', that doesn't entirely work against them.

I guess it's because that pleasantness makes this easy to listen to. When it's raining and I want to feel slightly thoughtful (without actually having to think), or when I want to put some music that I can study to, this album dominates. It's also a good album to play around chicks- the right mix between 'edgy', but also all 'poetic' and 'romantic'.

I'd be happy leaving it at that, but some musical description is required. There will be those who will claim that tunes like 'Limbs' and 'Fire Above, Ice Below' are some sort of black/folk/"dark" metal masterpieces, but we all know that's not true- Agalloch traffic in a kind of slow burning, completely tame atmospheric rock that brings to mind a an Ulver song covered by Coldplay. There really isn't much here to suggest that it's metal- the guitars are happy doing the 'chug away at chords' kinda thing, the vocalist may do some sort of black metal rasps but they still sound ridiculously polished and tame, and nothing getting too fast or too slow lest their delicate fans get upset. It's worth noting that the best song (Falling Snow) is when Agalloch finally admit that they're actually not that metal, or atmospheric or whatever, and write a long but still quite straight ahead rock tune.

It's hard to deny that this Ulver/Drudkh/Coldplay hybrid has been well executed. of course, the problem with all of this vaguely-foresty pleasantness is that it does get boring. Forcing myself to listen to this thing with no distractions made me quite weary, and whoever recorded the clean guitar should've been shot (No, it does not sound good if you put a Chorus effect on ever freaking clean guitar bit). The vocals are pretty annoying, and Agalloch seem to be under the same impression that has plagued a few other similar bands (Opeth, I'm looking at you)- the songs average somewhere around the nine minute mark, with quite a few somewhat unnecessary acoustic bits stinking the songs up.

To conclude, then, it's hard for me to hate this album, because it's so lukewarm in nature that it's hard to have any feelings about it all. I guess it's a well executed bit of music, but hardly what you'd call exciting. Most people will hardly ever listen to it, but if you like supermarket/elevator music, or want to play, uhh, 'metal' that your mother/pastor/girlfriend/grandparents approve of, then perhaps you should pick this album up.
I never listened to Ashes before so idk if it's a black metal album or not. Maybe they changed back then. Still I doubt they'd change a formula that actually works, black folk metal has been highly successful in recent times.

haha so Ashes works for parents to? Sweet man maybe I'll go n check that album out, finally a metal album that doesn't annoy my mom haha (she was yelling at me for playing Primordial on blare earlier on today).

But I still don't hear how this isn't metal at all it's just too heavy for what it is.
so they are your favorite band and you never heard their most praised album? there's something severely wrong with you. seriously. you need help. medication. fast.