Anything new with CONCEPTION?


Mar 13, 2004
With just a little over a month away until festival time, I was wondering if there was anything new with Conception recently? Other than the brief mention of the new homepage:, there doesn't seem to be alot going on with them. I know Roy (Khan) has been touring with KAMELOT. So are they just going to be the "dark horses" at ProgPower and just perform or are they saving special announcements for when they show up?
hunter said:
With just a little over a month away until festival time, I was wondering if there was anything new with Conception recently? Other than the brief mention of the new homepage:, there doesn't seem to be alot going on with them. I know Roy (Khan) has been touring with KAMELOT. So are they just going to be the "dark horses" at ProgPower and just perform or are they saving special announcements for when they show up?

I was under the impression Conception was on hiatus/shelved/done
for a while now. I missed the mention of the new website. Perhaps
this PP event will be the start of something. All I know is I can't wait to see their set!
I definitely need a new installment from Conception. Hopefully those questions are answered at the show. And if there isnt currently anything on the horizon for them, perhaps this show could be the shot in the arm they need. Cant wait!!!
The world needs a band like Conception to come back and show how power metal is really played. I know that Khan is still very dedicated to Kamelot (the same can probably be said for Ingar Amlien with Crest Of Darkness), so it would be hard for him to contribute 100%. However, I don't think Tore Ostby has done anything since Ark broke up. To not do anything with that talent would be such a waste.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Creeps said:
I think Glenn forced them back together at swordpoint. Perhaps if he nudges someone he can force them into the studio. :Spin:

I heard some soundclips finally, I like it. Too bad the cds are so damn hard to find.

I haven't checked his stock lately, but there's always He's sold quite a lot of Conception cds thanks to some of the people that frequesnt here. Tell em' J-Dubya sent ya!
Caiman at the marketplace has the albums for quite cheap (compared to average prices I've seen for Conception). I don't know if it would be smart to order from them this soon though, I had about a month wait because the album was out of stock when I ordered it.
dargormudshark said:
know but they better play Parallel Minds and Cardinal Sin

Oh HELL yeah I'll back you on that!!! :rock: :rock: :rock:

(I know they won't play it but I would love to see Carnal Comprehension!:worship: )
Way back at PPII, I asked Tore about the possibility of him recording with Khan again. I don't recall exactly how he put it, and I certainly don't want to put words in his mouth, but I was definitely left with the impression that he felt they would record together again. I'm hoping we get an announcement, during their set, that they plan to record again. I think Khan's voice has improved a lot with maturity, and it would be really cool to hear his vocals within the contaxt of progressive music.
