Apartment concerns.


Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
So I made a thread a few hours ago about an iso box. Well, idk.

My problem: live in an apartment and cannot blast my amp to reamp.

Best alternatives?

iso box
load box
hot plate/attenuator

What's my best bet as far as realistically reproducing a good mic'd sound?
im half in the same situation

im in a semi detatched house, luckily my neighbour goes fishing twice a week early morning till mid avvo, and is regularly down the legion...

even so, i saw your thread and im considering something along the lines petrucci did for the live DT sdoit tour. cabs in a massive flight case.

even when i've put my cab under a blanket or duvet the sound is still soo much better than amp sims
An Iso booth is obiviously the best and the most expensive way to go.
I'm kind of in that situation too, and I'm getting into power attenuators soon, I'll see what it sounds like.
There's some that plug into your FX loop, I might check into them very soon.
How do the iso boxes sound that have a single speaker inside? Like I could build on and put a v30 inside... Line it with rockwool...
Rather than that I'd buy a ton of rockwool (or equivalent rigid fiberglass) and use that room you were talking about and a conventional 1x12" cab. I would orient it so the cab is throwing the longest way (up I assume). Try to get 4-6" or the rockwool on all sides.

You could also try talking to your neighbors to find out the least disruptive time to play guitar. You should probably do that either way in fact.
Im planning on building an isobox actually.
The clips ive heard sound allot better then attenuators at "bedroom levels"(Since 90% of the low-volume sound comes from the speaker not moving enough.).

Ive found 2 models that i think will work great:

1.) A clone of the Randall Isobox.
2.) This one:




The guys who built that one seems to have an impressive clientlist for their other products: http://www.vrtacicdesign.com/clients.htm
can anyone clarify if this would actually made some difference?

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can anyone clarify if this would actually made some difference?


It definitely does some difference to the sound.
Just think of it like that in a normal isobox, its air sealed and the air doesnt move further from the speaker then about 15 inches.
So it basically acts as a "compressor", as the air will be sucked backwards and forwards as the speaker moves.

Although, i seriously doubt that it makes a big difference, but definitely some.

Btw, check these clips out: http://www.netmusicians.org/?search=isolation
I think this is just a marketing thing, you can open a bit your iso cab door to breath and achieve the same effect,(or make a hole on it :) ) but ISO boxes are built to isolate as much as possible.
The best thing to do in my opinion is,to record good quality DI guitar signals, and when everything it`s ready take your amp to a rehearsal place, and reamp all the tracks, in a couple of hours you can reamp a whole album and you achive better results .
For even better sound you can send it to a qualified engineer who si famous for reamping and let him do the job.