Help me tame the BEAST (volume)


Feb 21, 2009
I am currently in an apartment that does not allow me to record at loud volumes i am looking for a quiet solution for recording live amps. I own a 5150, windsor, and a traynor ycs100. Looking for some opinions and answers to a few questions.

1st option - Jet City Jettenuator with my cab (Vintage Traynor 2x12)
Problem the unit is 100W and my 5150 is 120W. Question I have, would it be safe to pull 2 tubes to bring the amp down to 50 watts with this attenuator? or should i not bother pulling the tubes and just not run max volume with the 5150?

2nd option - Jet City Jettenuator w a diy ISO CAB (V30)
again with the v30 being 60W would I have to pull 2 tubes?

3rd Option - Randall iso cab or the Jet City iso cab
has anyone compared the 2 units? is the EMMINENCE Speaker in the jet city comparable to the V30 In the Randall?

4th Option - Fuck the neighbors and buy a MESA 2x12 and crank that shit!!
Anyone have a couch I can crash on?

as you can probably tell my budget is roughly $450 max

Thanks For All The Help?:rock:
First, you don't have to push your amp up to 11!
Then, I myself bought a Kosh dummy box which works perfectly. Now I'm recording guitars through IRs but it worked great with real cabs.
Ha ha ha I know I don't have to push it to 11. I heard that an amp reaches full wattage around 5 or 6 and after that its mostly Tube Saturation? (I heard this in a Mike Soldano interview) I just don't want to blow the Jettenuator because of the extra 20w of power