Jet City 20W Head and Cab or Laney LC15R


Dec 11, 2008
Hey all. I have decided I want an all-tube amp but I need an amp I can record at home and do some small gigs, so I have to keep that in perspective, not to mention a budget :)

I am looking at the following 2 amps:

Jet City JCA20H and matching 1x12 cab (soldano designed - 1x12eminence speaker, three 12AX7 preamp tubes, two EL84 power amp tubes)

Laney LC15R 15W combo (1x10 celestion, ECC83 preamp tubes, EL84 power amp tubes)

Anyone played or have either one of these - would love some feedback if you have any. I love the sound of both and am leaning toward the Jet City but just need some outside perspective.

Much appreciated.

I'd go with the JCA, personally. I used to have one and though it didn't sound very good through the Mesa OS 4x12 I had at the time (super muddy and boomy, IMO), it sounded HUGE through the Emperor 1x12 I bought for it that had a Jensen Electric Lightning in it. It also seemed to add gain to it somehow... I could do metal through that amp and cab without the gain even having to be full up, or using a boost.
Thanks for the responses guys - I'll check out those tracks tonight Jarrko.

I am leaning towards the Jet City head and cab, although it's a little bit more money but worth the extra investment.


I'm looking for almost the same thing right now, I also have in mind the Hayden Mini Mofo 15w, looks brutal and it has a built in "boost". I don't know if it will have enough volume for practicing with my band.

Luis. First of all, love the Maiden Aces High avatar - my favourite band of all time!!! :rock:
I did check out the Mini Mofo as well but it was a bit out of my price range. Sounds coming from it were excellent. I ended up going with the Jet City 20WH and 1x12 matching cab - the cab apparently is very good (solid ply, not particle board). Will have it later today and will plug it in tonight. I can post up some sound samples when I get a chance.

