Jet City JCA20H


New Metal Member
Aug 19, 2011
Tulsa, OK.
I'm looking for an amp. It'll be my first stack. I need something cheap, with tubes, good tones for metal-pop punk type stuff. I've been looking at the Jet City JCA20H amp head. If I decide to get it, I'll be buying a decent 4x12 cab to go with it. For a cab I'm looking at the Peavey Windsor 412 cab. Any thoughts you guys could give me? I unfortunately cannot make enough money to buy a $600 head. Any other amps you would suggest for me to check out? The max I want to spend is $400.
I wouldn't get a windsor cab. Not heard great things about them and you can get really good cabs used for 200- 300 if you keep your eyes peeled.
Depending on what you'll be playing (metal-pop punk is a little broad), the JCA might be good or it might not be. I played it, and it seemed like it was more British voiced, which is great for classic rock mid rangey type stuff, but not so good for metal.
I've heard some great metal tones on the forum from the JCA 20. Just gotta throw a tubescreamer in front of it to tighten it up. Bet it would be great for punky tones too.
Really want to get me one of them. Though I'm worried if I buy the wee one I'll just want to upgrade to the 100 watter. And I can't afford that shit dammit!
Dunno if you guys heard but they are going to be making a 2-channel version with an FX loop. They announced it a while back but no idea when it is coming out.
The JCA20h just doesn't have enough gain to cut it for me. It's just barely enough for metal rhythms with a boost, but still very dry and difficult to play, would never track leads on one. Get the JCA22h, that shit would be worth it. SLO circuit finally
The JCA20h just doesn't have enough gain to cut it for me. It's just barely enough for metal rhythms with a boost, but still very dry and difficult to play, would never track leads on one. Get the JCA22h, that shit would be worth it. SLO circuit finally

Did you listen to Ryan`s clip - there is plenty of gain available for rhythms and leads. That was likely a stock 20H as well. The 22H def gives you more gain but is way more money.
Bloody hell, that's practically the same price as the JCA50!

I know man - can`t quite figure out their pricing structure at all. Seems they are reacting to what people want but are pricing them a little out of most people`s ranges. At these prices, there is a lot of competition and choices.