WOOOO, I just won a JCA20H Comet half-stack!!!

Thanks! :)

I got it today, and it's a great lil' bastard. Here's an über quick test: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1809705/JCA20H_Test1.mp3

Never mind the out of tune guitars etc., this was just a quick "turn it on, throw a mic on it and grab a guitar" test. Haven't had a chance to properly play with it yet. And keep in mind it's a 1x12 cab :D

The chain was Schecter C-1 Hellraiser -> TS -> JCA20H -> JCA 1x12 -> SM57 -> Profire 2626 -> EQ. Dual tracked.
Haha, can't promise a video, but I'll make sure to take a pic and post in on the JCA FB page! :)

Damn, almost forgot about this one! Here you go:


Yesterday I noticed they didn't actually send me the Comet version after all, as the head has Shuguang tubes inside. I'm not complaining, Shuguang rules! :)
AMAZING! sorry for the old skool bump ... but do you use the TS to control the gain? like from ULTRA UBER HIGH GAIN to mellow cleans for the KSE songs? I am tempted to dump my Bogner Alchemist in the future to get one of these bad boys!
AMAZING! sorry for the old skool bump ... but do you use the TS to control the gain? like from ULTRA UBER HIGH GAIN to mellow cleans for the KSE songs? I am tempted to dump my Bogner Alchemist in the future to get one of these bad boys!

On it's own, the JCA20H doesn't quite have enough gain for modern metal tones. It handles hard rock and old school heavy tones just fine, but when you put the TS in front of it and crank the preamp gain, it's just and just there for some mean chugging. To drive it further, you can crank the level on the TS, too. Lately I've been using PODFarm's TS emulation in addition to a hardware TS to get even more tightness when reamping. I'm using that combination on the album I'm currently working on, and I think it's turning out pretty sweet.