Aphex Twin

Night Mare

Camberwell Carrot
Feb 23, 2005
Any fans in here? I just picked up a few albums and am really getting into it, wish I had taken that advice sooner, really unique stuff, especially the videos.
Yeh, apparently the first Selected Ambient works album includes songs that were written from when he was 13 onwards. Talk about prolific.
find the video for rubber Johnny, someone please, Im to lazy to look. Its the weirdest video Ive seen, freaked me the hell out. Not really a fan though.
while we're on the subject of albums with "ambient" in the title... would Hostile Ambient Takeover be a good introducory album to The Melvins?
Demilich said:
while we're on the subject of albums with "ambient" in the title... would Hostile Ambient Takeover be a good introducory album to The Melvins?

Yes, it would!

It possibly has the most straightforward sound of any of their albums, while still retaining that quirky melvins edge, which means it's easily accessible (comparitively) but isn't too big of a stretch back to anything in the latter part of their catalog. A good place to get acquainted with their sound, if you're not too familiar.
Night Mare said:
Haha that one is great, and the Come to Daddy video is my favorite, all though not all his music is that dark.
I didn;t think it was that dark. None of his other stuff I have heard (about 2-3 albums) was dark at all, mostly happy.
Trylakos said:
I didn;t think it was that dark. None of his other stuff I have heard (about 2-3 albums) was dark at all, mostly happy.

Exactly, it's all quite cheery and light, jus very fucked up patterns and time signatures.
And Squarepusher too, when I have some time I certainly will...
Richard D. James lives in the same building as the dude from Autechre I think. Random information.