API 3124+... how much would you pay for it?


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Simple question. New price is 2800€ in Germany. You may like to tell me how much you paid for it if you allready have one. I got an offer and I'm thinking of getting one. I've never seen one used.
If customs/shipping isn't too bad, I'd much rather get an SCA with 4xA12's and then have room to throw in some Neve or Millennia clones, as well.

Customs will be pretty bad. Never heard of SCA before but it sounds really interesting. Has anyone on this board tried their preamps?
Customs will be pretty bad. Never heard of SCA before but it sounds really interesting. Has anyone on this board tried their preamps?

SCA stands for Seventh Circle Audio, basically DIY clones for less money.
thanks! I googled them before, that's why I asked if someone around here tried their clones preamps :)

They sound awesome for the price. I loved mine, but since I want to go the lunchbox route I sold it to Jeff. A bunch of people that I let borrow it liked it a little better than the API(the opamp is a copy but slightly upgraded).

If money is tight, don't hesitate to try out the SCA stuff.
Its just the price of getting the SCA stuff out of the US which is a bit of a downer

exactly. that's why I thought someone may help me out with this one. ;)
I would need someone to buy the stuff in the USA and send it to me... that way I just got a whole Audix Set for less than half the price I pay in germany. Awesome :)
I have the rack and power supply for sale if you are interested.... Dirt cheap compared to new.
I accidentaly bought an API 3124+ for 2400€. New was 2800€... I said I take it for 2400€... they said 2500€... then I said 2400€ again... and they gave it to me. Haha.