Apocalyptica - Reflections

Apocalyptica rock!
Did they do any more covers this time around? With piano and drums added, I'm sure they've expanded their palette.
well it was released here in Finland about 6 months ago..

and yes, i do think they go well. i LOVE new Apocalyptica. the album is great, one of my favorites of all time.

Prologue is fun cause it's so rock, but it's also a bit boring, especially the drumming.

No Education, on the other hand, is brilliant! i love it! the melody is nice and the drumming isn't shabby at all either

Faraway is beautiful, yet very overplayed. i love the piano in it <3

Somewhere Around Nothing is great! the drumming rules :p

Drive is a bit boring, definitely not one of my favorites.

but Cohkka sure is! (one of my favourites i mean.) it's soooo beautiful, i just can't get enough of it. the atmosphere is amazing <3 god i love this song ^_^ it's also fun to play. by violin that is.

Conclusion is nice and beautiful

Resurrection is fun fun fun! i like this track very muchly.

Heat is weird, but cool. it has some beautiful parts too, and the percussions are nice ^_^

Cortege is great/awesome/amazing/brilliant/*insert more positive adjects here* ^_^ when i heard it for the first time i nearly had a heart-attact :eek: a very damn cool song

Pandemonium has a cool, odd, mystical, eastern, strange atmosphere.

Toreador II is cool

and Epilogue is beautiful

yeah.. that's what i think of the album :eek: