Apotemnophiles - Sick Fucks

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Ever hear of these sick fucks who wish to have one of their limbs severed to complete some sick twisted sexual fantasy? They first start off with a thumb or two. Then they eventually want an arm or leg severed. They say it makes them feel "complete". They have longed since childhood, ever since they seen the local vietnam vet wheeled down the boulevard missing an apendage. With this sight they crave, what they can only obtain through self mutilation. As most doctors surely turn these nutjobs away. Some of these humanoids go and lay on the railroad tracks, take a shotgun and blast it off, or go get frostbite, so a doctor can hack away. Once they lose this limb they are truely a free spirit. Or so they say.

Here's some info on the matter. I only bring this topic to light as it truely fascinates me, and I figure some of ye's may also be intrigued by this moronic behavior.


At any given moment, a small number of Americans are searching for a surgeon willing to cut off their perfectly healthy limbs.

These men and women suffer from apotemnophilia, one of the most bizarre disorders in the annals of psychology, and they want to undergo amputations in order to "feel whole."

"You have this foreign body and you want to get rid of it," said one man who found a doctor in Scotland willing to remove his right leg.

But should such surgery even be allowed?

"It just flies in the face of everything that medicine holds dear," said Stacy Running, a San Diego assistant district attorney who successfully brought murder charges against an unlicensed surgeon who botched a leg amputation on an 80-year-old man with the disease three years ago and let the man die of gangrene.

Added Arthur Caplan, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Bioethics, "It seems indisputably ga-ga nuts to sit and reasonably talk back and forth about whether this should be done and where we are going to do it."

Though some recent high-profile cases have captured the media's attention, apotemnophilia is not a new disorder.

Medical experts have reported cases of amputation obsession since the 1860s, said Richard Bruno, a New Jersey psychophysiologist who specializes in brain-body disorders and is one of the few people in the world who have extensively studied apotemnophilia.

No one knows how many people are obsessed with amputation. However, there are Web sites devoted to the subject. One is named after the Venus de Milo statue.

Bruno has identified three groups within the larger community of people obsessed with amputation:

"Pretenders" use wheelchairs, crutches and other devices to make people think they are disabled.

"Devotees" are sexually attracted to people with amputations and disabled people, and will often search for them on the Internet.

"Wannabes," who get the most attention, live for the removal of their healthy limbs.

Usually, people with the disorder are men and they want one leg or both cut off, Bruno said. However, there are also female sufferers. They include Corinne, a California woman who refused to give her real name. She wants her legs removed.

"For me, sexuality is being comfortable with my body," she said. "Inside, I feel my legs don't belong to me and shouldn't be there. There's just an overwhelming sense of despair sometimes.

The cause of apotemnophilia isn't clear. John Money, a psychologist and sexuality expert at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, gave the disorder its name in 1977 and declared that people with the disorder have a sexual fetish centered on amputated limbs.

Apotemnophilia has also been linked to obsessive-compulsive disorder and homosexuality.

Some people with apotemnophilia say their obsession has nothing to do with sex; they say it's a body-image disorder that can be cured only through amputation.

Taking a different tack, Bruno suggests that people with the disorder desperately seek attention and love from others.

"What these people really want is to be accepted," he said. "They feel they are unlovable and want to be loved."

Speculation dismissed

But many people obsessed with amputation heatedly dismiss Bruno's theory.

Gregg Furth, a New York City child psychologist who suffers from apotemnophilia, said the disorder revolves around feeling like a complete person.

"It's about becoming whole, not becoming disabled," he said, adding that people with the obsession "feel there's an alien aspect of their body."

Furth told a San Diego courtroom in 1999 that he first began obsessing about amputation when he was 4 or 5 years old. He's now in his mid-50s

His search for a cure -- amputation -- ultimately led him to John Ronald Brown, an underground doctor in San Diego. The 77-year-old Brown lacked a license to practice medicine.

Furth and an 80-year-old friend, Philip Bondy, who also had apotemnophilia, traveled from New York to San Diego in 1998, both hoping to have Brown perform their amputations in Tijuana, Mexico. But Furth backed out.

Bondy went ahead and had his left leg removed. Brown left him to recover in a Holiday Inn across the border in a San Diego suburb, where he died a few days later of gangrene.

A jury convicted Brown of second-degree murder

Furth resurfaced in the news last year when he found a doctor in Scotland who was willing to amputate his right leg. The doctor had previously amputated the limbs of two other people with apotemnophilia.

But the Scottish news media picked up on the plan, and the hospital where the operation was to take place quickly banned it.

Caplan, one of the top medical ethicists in the United States, said apotemnophilia is clearly a medical disorder, and can't be cured by giving in to the disease.

"It's like saying I'm a schizophrenic and I hear voices, so I want the doctors to communicate with my demons to exorcise them," he said.

Bruno said people with apotemnophilia often live hellish lives.

"I feel terrible for them," Bruno said. "There are just far more questions than answers about the disorder, and unfortunately, many of these questions may be unanswerable. We may never know why these guys want what they want."


Here's an article on people who wish to fuck stumps.

Humping Stumps

By Ian Gregson
(please note the section in blue was written by the Hustler editor not by Ian Gregson)

Twelve hours ago, Aaron Brown rode his Suzuki GSX1000 into the side of a beer-delivery truck that tried to run a stale yellow through a downtown intersection. Lying in his hospital bed with an IV plugged into the crook of his arm, he looks up wearily at friends and family who have rushed to his side to comfort him. Each visitor takes a turn thanking God that Aaron's alive, but something is missing. It's his leg. Aaron is 25 years old and clutching tearfully at a stump that truncates his right femur. The rest of his life as an amputee passes before his eyes.

As he ponders the numerous unknowns spawned by his accident, Aaron's mind returns obsessively to one painful notion, Now that I'm damaged goods, who the hell's gonna want to fuck me?


Dawn is something special, but there are more of her kind than one might think. On the Internet, a popular web page celebrating Dawn's particular fetish brands its celebrants devotees, and their devotion takes the form of a sexual obsession with amputees. The scientific term for this fetish is acrotomophilia, but most devotees avoid the medical-establishment tag, objecting to any word ending in "-phile" that might lump them together with the wide array of perverts that populate the alternative-sex newsgroups on the web.

Don, a frequent contributor to Internet discussions of devoteeism, denies that a devotee's odd preoccupation is a sick or perverse fetish. Brushing off a question about his innermost motivation for desiring an amputee partner, he says, "[Devoteeism] is qualitatively the same thing as an attraction toward any other feature of the opposite sex. Ask someone who likes redheads or large breasts why he's particularly turned on by those attributes and you'll get the same answer, 'I don't know.'"

Dr. Robert Pollack, certified by the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists and a professor of psychology at the University of Georgia, is able to shed only slightly more light on the roots of a devotee's desire. "Acrotomophiles develop their philia at a very young age, usually pre-pubescent. The thing that turns them on has nothing to do with the whole person; it has to do with the characteristics of amputation. It is the stumps that turn them on. How it occurs we really don't know, but it is probably learned unconsciously and under conditions of great excitement."

More and more, devotees and amputees alike are shelving the question of why allowing the fascination to flourish with mutual benefit. Carol Davis is an amputee who lost her leg to cancer in 1978. Ten years later, she began producing videos of herself and other female amputees after discovering the existence of a large devotee population. The videos are notable for reflecting the comparatively tame tastes of amputee fetishists. She describes her mail-order tapes as containing "absolutely no nudity or pornography of any kind. Although there are some exceptions, I have found that most men who are attracted to amputees just want to see her coping with everyday situations, and nudity is not necessary. Some of our models perform lingerie modeling in their videos, but that is about the extent of what we have done regarding more conventional erotica."

Davis's company, CD productions, has released eight titles in all, featuring six amputee models who swim, dance, climb stairs, ski, vacuum, shop for shoes and, in some scenes, paint their toenails. A double amputee demonstrates how she can walk on her stumps without her prosthesis. Other women pose with peg legs or in one high-heeled shoe, satisfying the particular fantasies of devotee sub-groups. To the non-devotee, Carol Davis's videos seem perfectly lacking in prurient content, but to the fetishist, slice-of-life scenarios capturing a woman on crutches wearing a short mini-skirt with her stump peeking from underneath are compelling erotic entertainment.

A significant hurdle facing the male devotee is the scarcity of female amputees in the general population. There are approximately 2.5 million amputees in the United States, approximately 1 million of whom are female. Whereas most men may see a dozen good-looking women on a walk through the mall, a devotee is lucky to see a female amputee once a month.

Mike, a devotee from California, has overcome this scarcity by getting involved in activities central to the lives of those who have lost their limbs. In addition to working as a ski instructor for amputee skiers, he also volunteered at a local amputee-support group and at the Paralympics. In doing so he has come in contact with at least 1,000 female amputees.

Many amputee-devotee relationships are successful enough to result in marriage.

Donna, 32, became an amputee at age fifteen. After one unsuccessful marriage, Donna met Shawn.

"I already knew Shawn as a friend, and when I found out that he was a devotee, I initiated the relationship because I was very attracted to him. I have always been timid about approaching men because of the amputation, but I knew I wouldn't have much of a problem with Shawn. I consider myself attractive; so I do not think that the missing leg is the only thing that Shawn appreciated about me physically. Most of all, we clicked because our personalities are great for one another. I would not be happy if I felt that the only thing keeping us together was physical attraction. I am the first amputee that Shawn has ever been involved with. He has told me that while he has always been attracted to amputees, it wasn't his only objective in finding a mate."

Echoing the disproportionately small number of female amputees is the lack of female devotees interested in male-amputee partners. As in other fetishes, experts have estimated the ratio of devotees as close to 300 males to every one female. However, according to research on disability and sex, it may be that negative public perception of the male amputee has less effect on him as a potential sex partner for most women. Many women who would not consider themselves devotees are curious to see what sex with an amputee is like. It is common for a male amputee to use his stump as an extension of his penis, often at the encouragement of the female partner.

A person being attracted to amputees may seem odd but mostly harmless. The apotemnophile (or wannabe) leaves a more bizarre impression. A wannabe's obsession goes beyond attraction to the point of wanting to become an amputee himself.

Don is both a devotee and a wannabe. Don's personal history indicates the development of a fascination with amputation at a very early age.

"Around the age of four, I became attracted to people with bandaged limbs. I would bandage my own limbs when I was home alone. At the age of nine my attraction developed toward people with casts. I became a cast wannabe. At the age of 15, I became an amputee wannabe and became attracted to amputees. The attraction toward bandaged limbs has faded away, but today, at 35, I'm still attracted to people with casts and amputations.

"The need to role play as an amputee was much stronger when I was younger. I used to pretend that I was an amputee by tying one leg back so that my foot was secured against my hamstring. I did this sort of thing until my early twenties. I don't have any intentions or any impulses toward taking any kind of action in the direction of becoming an amputee, although I'd probably welcome it if it happened for reasons independent of my will."

Unlike Don, who merely fantasizes about being an amputee, there are some who take that fantasy and make it reality. A woman in Europe wanted to become an above-knee amputee. Already a below-knee amputee, she was able to find a doctor willing to perform the operation to give her the desired length of stump. The surgery went well initially; however, after a week, infection set in and the doctor was forced to amputate her leg at the hip in order to save her life. She now has no stump whatsoever.

In a recent case, a man in Florida who had had enough of his life as a biped picked up a 12-gauge rifle, put the barrel to his left knee and pulled the trigger. The man is now a self-proclaimed happy-go-lucky above-knee amputee.

No responsible surgeon would amputate a limb unless it was medically necessary, but many wannabes compare the mental suffering involved in the conflicted desire for amputation to the pain of a cancer patient or an accident victim cursed with a mangled arm or leg.

Many amputees are angered and disturbed by the existence of apotemnophiles. It is difficult for the victim of cruel tragedy to accept a person who would give up a limb of their own volition. Most amputees would give about anything to have their amputated limbs back. Unfortunately, medical science has yet to find an adequate method of grafting limbs from those who don't want them onto those who do.
this reminds me: i saw a pic on rotten.com recently. it was of a dude who *blew his face off* with a shotgun during a failed suicide attempt. he was still alive in the pictures as paramedics had secured an airway with an ET tube and someone was suctioning up the saline that was being used to keep his...uhhhh...facial tissues moist. anyway, his face was fucking gone. it's probably still up at that fucked-up site if anyone wants to see it.
ah crap look what i done to muhself just now :p


i'll work on sawing it from the shoulder later. i'm already feeling like more of a whole person! :Spin:

spank the lord!

A WOMAN is so desperate to be disabled she is willing to undergo a $25,000 operation so she can live the rest of her life permanently in a wheelchair.

London-born Chloe Jennings-White uses a wheelchair and lives as if she is a paraplegic despite being completely able-bodied and a passionate skier.

The 58-year-old, who now lives in the US with her wife Danielle, said she had wanted to be disabled for as long as she could remember.

But it was only around five years ago that her unusual condition made sense when she was diagnosed with Body Integrity Identity Disorder.

The rare psychological condition makes sufferers feel they want to be disabled.

Ms Jennings-White told The Sun the only thing stopping her from getting the surgery, which would leave her permanently disabled, was a lack of money.

She said she had even tried to have accidents so she could lose the use of her legs and that her surgery dream would be "the happiest day of my life".

Ms Jennings-White even found a doctor overseas who was willing to cut her sciatic and femoral nerves.

She said: "I'll never be able to afford it, but I know I won't regret it if I ever can, and I don't know why it upsets people.

"It's the same as a transsexual man having his penis cut off. It's never coming back, but they know it's what they want."

She admitted she always wondered why she was born needing legs and the first time she sat in a wheelchair, which she had ordered off the internet, felt right.

As a child and teenager she didn't tell anyone about her feelings but would bandage her legs up at home when she was alone so she could pretend she was disabled.

Ms Jenning's wife Danielle had no idea when they met in 2006 but Ms Jennings-White soon confessed after a back injury gave her the perfect excuse to wear leg braces.

It was during the search online for leg braces that she read about BIID for the first time and was relieved there were hundreds of others like her.

Despite Danielle doing all the housework and gardens, Ms Jennings-White said her wife was understanding.

"I told her it had been going on my whole life, and I couldn't stop. She was shocked but vowed to stand by me when I told her it was the only way I could be happy," she said.

Ms Jennings-White has received hate mail and even death threats but insists most of her friends have been supportive and understanding of her condition.
Well it only makes sense, I see people mentally hobble themselves all the fucking time.

Transmetropolitan becomes more real with each passing day. Warren Ellis is a prophet.
I'm starting to look at these once labeled "sick freaks," under a whole new hue. If a 60 something Olympian has the courage to inject himself full of hormones and get his wee wee chopped off to unleash his, erhm "her" inner aphrodite, then why can't we look at these limb loppers in a more positive light? Afterall, they were not meant to be born with limbs. Who is society to say that they must traverse to and fro as bipeds? To the scooter store, I say!Cut and sheer away brave courageous souls, thy stumps are a thing of beauty, a forest of felled limbs, to emancipate the soul!
Transmetropolitan becomes more real with each passing day. Warren Ellis is a prophet.

Just here to testify to this statement. Ellis is directly connected to the future and his words are scripture.

"Read my fucking scripture!"