Apparitions album stems, mix anyone?

it sounds like we're sort of on the same page with the mix. Randomly Jamie King did his mix as well. Blew us out of the water, but theres vocals missing. When it's done i'll post it up, so we can all hear it, i wish i was that good at mixing, god damnit! lol
Jamie King's mix just fits this style like a glove.... he did a GREAT fucking job. IMO, it'd be worth the wait for him to do it.

I'd love to take a stab at this but I'm not sure if I'll have time.... =D

awesome song and the vocals sound amazing...
you added some cool stuff qwe! what did you use on the bass btw? there where some moments is popped through in the mix

Bass mainly consists of three tracks (I just copied the DI 2 times).
One with a pretty high low-cut, the second with a pretty low high-cut and the third track is the first track copied but with a TSE BOD after the EQ.
Everything ran into one mono-group and smashed into a 1156-style-compressor. After that just some final EQ and I'm done with my basstone.