Apple have sold in access of 170 million iPODS! A couple of hundred "explode"!
Thats 0.0001% of all iPODS sold. That is to say, 1 in a million chance! Not a bad percentage I would say. Now of those couple of hundred, 90% would have "exploded" due to miss-use. The one in question was miss-used.
Apple are contacted, and at my guess, would have knocked back the offer of a refund due to "an attack of the butter fingers". Not happy with the outcome, relatives of "Butter Fingers" then say they will go to the press.
Being one of the most popular electronic devices of our time, this would be sure to get attention, which should not be classed as bad, but that attention would come from the "General Public', who like nothing better than to jump on the "tall poppy syndrome" bandwagon. Then along would come the media, doing all sorts of promos on all sorts of current affairs shows, proclaiming to be giving out info on how harmful these devices would be to our children and how "morally" wrong it is of Apple to try and silence them, when all that they would be doing it for, is to boost ratings! But most of the general public would not consider a ratings boost at the expense of others "morally wrong".
Apple have become one of the biggest empires on earth, through intuitive, well designed products and a management team, second to none.
To sit down and allow "common sense" (you dropped it ya dumb fuck, dont blame us) and allow the public to turn that common sense into a possible billion dollar loss, because its "morally wrong" to silence anyone (general public), would be doing Apple employees and consumers no good at all.
Another +1 to Apple for standing up to this, "I'll go to the media shit!". The western part of the world would sue anybody for anything these days, and if it gets outta hand, then at the end of the day, we would have nothing to explode!