Apple PR Blunder

Apple have sold in access of 170 million iPODS! A couple of hundred "explode"!
Thats 0.0001% of all iPODS sold. That is to say, 1 in a million chance! Not a bad percentage I would say.

Would you accept those odds if the product were, let's just say, passenger airplanes? Would you still fly?

FWIW, I've owned several iPods. Great product... iTunes sucks, but the iPod is an outstanding piece of hardware.
Would you accept those odds if the product were, let's just say, passenger airplanes? Would you still fly?

FWIW, I've owned several iPods. Great product... iTunes sucks, but the iPod is an outstanding piece of hardware.

Im gonna go out on a limb here and say (although I know nothing about aviation statistics) that the percentage for crashs wouldnt come close. Im not sure how many "passanger airplanes" have been made, but lets say there were a million! Then that means only one has crashed, so yeah, bring them odds on! :)
Im gonna go out on a limb here and say (although I know nothing about aviation statistics) that the percentage for crashs wouldnt come close. Im not sure how many "passanger airplanes" have been made, but lets say there were a million! Then that means only one has crashed, so yeah, bring them odds on! :)

According to this:

There are about 49000 flights in the world, per day.

With 1/10^6 odds, it would mean that every 3 weeks, a plane would crash. Not something I would take chances with :lol:
According to this:

There are about 49000 flights in the world, per day.

With 1/10^6 odds, it would mean that every 3 weeks, a plane would crash. Not something I would take chances with :lol:

Fuck yeah, I'd go with that, one flight in the entire world every 3 weeks, just stay away from airports such as Pakistan and you're laughing! :lol:
I heard dell rapes children.

Collectively as a company? Do they all go and do it on the same day?

But SRSLY the point still stands. Unless you knock it over. Which you won't. Because I'll come and hit you with a hammer. True story.