appreciate a little feedback...

The kick has a ton of presence and clarity in the mix, but the rest doesn't, making it sound kind of odd. Guitars need a little bit more highs to cut through.
thanks for taking the time to listen and the feedback.

i'll have another listen today and see what i can do to balance things out a little. i'm a kick nut, so what cha gonna do...? ;)

i seem to suffer from 'loss objectivity' often. it sucks. too eager to jump back in that mixing seat before the ears have had enough time to re-adjust..

thanks again, mark
The guitars are too low in the mix, too. I dont think they need more highs. You should probably mix by starting with the most important instrument first. In this song to me it would be:

1. vocals
2. guitars
3. kick/snare/hat
4. bass
5. overheads

Also try referencing your mix to your favorite recordings during the mixing process. That way you will regain your "objectivity" a bit ...
thanks. yea, i should probably do more referencing. something i don't do enough. and thanks for the reminder on breaking things down too. there's a lot going on in this song (24+ tracks), making it that much more difficult to mix.

maybe it should be obvious from the posts thus far - and i'm most likely putting my head on the chopping block here :rolleyes: - but does anybody dig musicially what's going on in this tune? just curious... doesn't look like it so far.
