apTrigga / Kick trigger problems.

It's best to agree on a pricing system before you start. But that doesn't really help you with where you're at now. Basically you'd be best to explain the situation to them, if they don't want to pay anything further then just do a rough (but good) mix that you know they'll be happy with and then send them on their way. Don't spend too much time on this. If you want do do the editing for your own benefit - ie. honing skills/added experience etc then just chalk it up to experience and make sure you explain your costs in full before the next band you record.

Oh and yes, if you have facility for different velocity kicks then that can work well in some situations - it's really up to you and what you think sounds best (there are no rules:kickass:)
Thanks Matt, that is exacly what I did, I explained to them what I had to do in order to make the kick sound the way they wanted it to be and I told them that for a couple hours only I wouldn't charge but for a 25 hours job I'd have to charge.
They told me they were totally broken, (they're like 14 or so), and I kindda wanted to edit it anyway so we made a deal that they would make publicity for me. It probably won't do shit, but it's a service in exchange of another,
As for velocity, I tried to use the dynamic tracking on drumagog but with the same sample playing and it sounds good.
I'll keep trying different things, I never needed to trigger anything before so that's new to me, at least I got good midi editing skills.