
Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
A question for any apTrigga users here...
If I'm replacing a recorded snare trigger track with a sample to mix in with my acoustic snare, is it possible to set the freaking thing right for fast snare rolls? Have you guys found a "hold time" setting that generally works for snare? It drives me crazy. It either misses hits or double-triggers constantly; I can't seem to find that magic window. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I struggle with it so much. I can't fathom that I wouldn't have better results just running the trigger into the D4 and recording the sample out of that, the way the unit is intended.
Andy, I know you've said you have far fewer mistriggers, etc. doing it via Soundreplacer/apTrigga/etc. from the transducer's recorded signal, but I must either be doing something wrong or be a complete idiot! :erk:
Matt Smith said:
is it possible to set the freaking thing right for fast snare rolls? Have you guys found a "hold time" setting that generally works for snare? It drives me crazy. It either misses hits or double-triggers constantly; I can't seem to find that magic window.

Just a wild guess but maybe it would help...
Did you try isolating the transients alone on the snare track? I mean literary muting/cutting everything except for the attack. I reckon that should be enough to activate the trigger and you should be safe from bleed or any other (no matter how small) spikes that could mistrigger apTrigga... Then again, if you find an efficient solution, let us know. :)
Wadi said:
Hi guys,

I seem to hear better quality as in sound in Aptriga than in Drumagog. Is it just me hearing things?

Sorry, I just had to post somewhere... :loco:
you are probably just hearing things.. the sound is a function and result of which samples are used.. not the plug-in itself. so, if you load nicer sounding samples into Drumagog than Aptrigga then Drumagog will sound better in that instance... and vice versa.
Perhaps i'm wrong, but nice sounding samples ofthen seems to get a duller sound when loaded into drumagog. Another friend of mine also seems to hear this. Less punch and body.

Oh, and I think digital audio can sound different on various apps. When playing back a wav-file in Winamp vs. Samplitude there is a noticable difference....I have no clue to why...
I noticed that about Drumagog too. ApTrigga seems a tad brighter.

But Drumagog is awesome. Triggers incredible. But with either one, I find a setting that gets the majority of the hits and then while running the plug in live, I cut up the sections that dont trigger as well and raise or lower the gain. Go through the whole track and then make a mixdown. Keep your original snare track and the copy that you altered. If you have to re run it for a missed hit, you can.

Wadi said:
Hohoho..So its not my ears then.. :hotjump: :loco: :grin:
yeah, well i wasn't giving you a definitive answer before. .just speculating.. i've used both plugs, own them both, but have never used them with the same samples. since you have independant confirmation from others who have tried it then i guess you are officially a member of the Golden Ears Brigade. :rolleyes:

lol, anyway, thanks for the heads-up on that... i'll bear it in mind in the unlikely event that i have to port my samples from one plug to the other.:rock:
I know this is an old thread but I tried something here that seemed to work a little better for those problem tom rolls. If the filter on your replacer plugin (drumagog or aptrigga etc) isn't cutting it, you can use an eq plugin before the replacer in the chain. Find the clearest frequency of the tom, boost it with a sharp Q to the limit and then chop the hell out of the rest of the spectrum. This returned better results for me so I didn't have to waste time tweeking drumagog, or even worse, cutting up the individual hits. Wish I'd tried this a while back.