Do any of you DUPLICATE a midi track to make it louder?

If I throw one rock into a pond what do I get?

Now if I chuck three identical rocks into a pond what do I get?
If you are using any sort of mastering environment processor (ie the pond), then it is. :Puke:
It's called ganging. In the digital realm, it is exactly the same as doubling the volume. It is a stupid practice and you should have your master fader welded to -inf.

Don't do it, kids.
again.... if you position the two identical tracks differently, maybe put different fx and Eq on each track, and you use environment processing on your master channel it is certainly not the same as doubling volume. If you did have EXACTLY the same settings for each track then yes it would simply add 1+1=2.

We used pretty much identical tracks on our EP project for vocals, and guitars - although I used two different mics and/or preamps. Created a really nice full sound without traditional doubling.

Once I duped guitar track and pitched one I think 4 semi's lower sounded really cool for a harmonizer. You know every guitar effect on the planet is based on two identical tracks incoming, one dry one processed, added to each other.
Yeah, no. You're thinking or the Haas effect, which sounds like shit, and/or phase effects, which sound like shit, and they are just another way of noobing up your gain-staging logic.

The waveforms still gang up.

Your idea of thickening up tone sounds like you were too lazy to do multiple takes. Which is also a poor, sad excuse for not getting a good source. But then later attempting to mix it.
If the two tracks are different (out of time, different mic, different processing blah blah blah) then they will have complex interactions with sometimes useful sometimes shit results.

If the two track are the same then you get 100% constructive interference and it's EXACTLY 100 FUCKING PERCENT!!!!! the same as turning the volume control up.

N.B. I have only tested this thoroughly in reaper. If someone has a provably different result then feel free to present it. If not then please, just STFU
I think the question was "can you at least give some insight on ....."

If you toss two identical rocks into a pond, in exactly the same place at the same time all you get is a bigger splash.

If you delay the tosses, but use the same spot you get two co-centric waveforms interacting with each other

Tossing two rocks in two separate spots in the pond is like panning the mix L&R , BUT you must either have a delay effect applied or ambient processing on your master channel in order for your car stereo or iPOD to reveal them as separate events.

Now this morning I took our duped up tracks and I did this. I applied 11ms delay to one of the tracks. Awesome effect. I was widening by using a Chorus, but the problem with the Chorus is if I wanted to go deeper with it I would get into that goofy warble as it modulates the delayed signal. So on vocals I did the 11ms delay plus I used Autotune on the one track. Instant body and width. Sounds great.

I read somewhere that 10-11ms works great for vocals and guitars and indeed it did. If you delay those duped tracks less, you get the phased and flanged effects. More it sounds too much like a cheesy echo.

Now the original question is for snare and kick can the same thing be done to increase how big each one sound. On our recording I have 3 snare tracks, 3 bass drum tracks. Two are mic'd and one is a Korg Triton Extreme triggered off the real tracks. All are about 33% in the mix. Sounds huge. I have not added any delays though and did align them by eye.