Aqua Teen Movie - The Metal Opening

I was a big fan of the show before it got completely out of hand, but I had heard the movie was awful. That was pretty funny though, maybe I'll go see it.
I guess you could think the movie was awful if you were expecting it to make sense or have the structure of an actual movie. I thought it was hilarious and deliciously anti-cultural.
I really just never "got" the show, much to my disappointment. All my friends love it though, and we've played this Mastodon song on WREKage a few times.
I think you have to be somewhat mentally retarded to say that this movie the least bit good. It was pure garbage and I'm a fan of the show.
The opening was great. The movie was LAME. Waste of time. Made absolutely no sense and the longer it went on the more angered I was at wasting the money to see it, considering it was everything I thought it would be. Jeers to Adult Swim.
This movie ruled. The moon rulz. Digital gold cascades from my square bladder.

Really, I loved it....could have been better, sure, but it was still sweet. And that song caused me to wet my pants.
least some of you guys actually got the chance to SEE this film to say if it sucked or not.


Nowhere in central alabama was it playing. And I didn't think it necessary to spend 4 hours on the road and 35 dollars in gas for a 7.50 movie that's only 80 minutes long.

I'll see the DVD though.
He played a miniature version of himself sitting at a drumset. The drums were even the part that walked around for him. Was the sidekick of Walter Melon.
We still have your money!!!!!

That movie totally ruled. For all time.

really, I hear people talking about how it sucked and whatever....and people on the AS forum said the 5th season sucked too. I mean, it's not the Iliad. =)