Aqua Teen Movie - The Metal Opening

I agree with the sentiment that the opening tune was better than the entire rest of the film. I saw the first ATHF episode when it aired and have been a huge fan ever since. I think some of the things they do with dialogue and character interaction are borderline genius. Shake is such an indentifiable character, and yet there has never been a character really of his style in the past. He makes perfect sense in portraying an attitude we all know and wittness now and then, and Dana Snyder has ridiculous control over inflection that you can pick apart tiny details of the way he says things and why that makes it so funny.

The issue with the movie, I think, is this: ATHF only works in 15 minute intevals because of the fact that they are less about plot development and more about establishing a very small, simple plot as almost a backdrop, and then working with the dialogue and character interactions for 15 minutes or so. You can sum up entire episodes in sentence fragments 'Shake loses his PDA', 'A lame monster lives in the attic'. So, trying to somehow contort this format into a whole movie resulted in what I expected it to result in - a few really funny moments of dialogue and character interactions, but a lot of useless plot development that was just a waste of time. If anyone knows the Sealab episode that is ALL dialogue over the one frame of sealab during a blackout, that's a perfect example of how something that can be hysterical over 15 mins could never work in movie format.

I think Season 5 has had a few oustanding episodes and is still right on par with the rest of the seasons. 'Bart Oats' and 'Ezekiel' are both right up there on my fav list. But I'm rambling at this point. Time for bed.
Good ramble SyXified, makes a lot of sense. Some TV shows just can't make it as a movie.
This was my first exposure to ATHF, and lets just say, I completely spooked the guy sitting next to me when I broke out laughing the second the metal started. "Don't talk! Watch!" Damn straight! That was awesome.
This movie rulled. I ended up sweet milling to the opening song. =D

Rght on! I was doing jumping jacks to the beat of the song. Boy was I tired. I didn't dig the movie too much though. The chicken on fire was the only genius thing. Other than that I thought the movie was lame.
Does there have to be a consensus on the movie? Some people liked it, some didn't. Just because you didn't think it worked as a film doesn't mean other people might not enjoy it. Or maybe I was supposed to think to myself "I enjoyed watching that film, but now that I've read these posts I think the movie sucks!". You want to watch a cartoon show adapted into a conventional film structure, go watch the Simpsons movie.
You want to watch a cartoon show adapted into a conventional film structure, go watch the Simpsons movie.

I'll likely be skipping that one. I've said the tagline for this movie should be "The Simpsons Movie: 10 Years Too Late."

And in regard to the movie, I didn't hate it. I just didn't find it particularly great. I think it started out with a bang and then just ran out of steam halfway through. I probably would have been more annoyed if I'd paid the full $10 price for a movie ticket. Just like when I saw Accepted for $4 in the theatres. Great movie at that price. Would have been a lame movie for $10.