Arab World Protests


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010

I think it's a good opportunity to discuss with you all about these brutal and terrifying protests in arab countries....

As you guys know I live in Israel, a country which is surrounded by many arab states, and although there are little protests here I see the news and read about the protests worldwide in arab countries and it's very worrying.

So just curious what you guys think about this, and that we may discuss the subject much further....I'm aware that this is a Metal forum and something like this is somewhat inappropriate to talk about, but let's see anyways.
I'm curious about the situation in Israel right now... you say there are little protests over there, but is there a lot of tension? What's the economy like, how are people feeling, etc.?
I'm curious about the situation in Israel right now... you say there are little protests over there, but is there a lot of tension? What's the economy like, how are people feeling, etc.?
There's no tension at all actually. Everything's fine. It's just that all these arab countries are very close to here so it's somewhat scary.....but everybody's feeling alright in general.

Anything else dude? Don't hesitate to ask!
It's pretty terrifying that some countries are still hundreds of years behind the Western world when it comes to political stability and way of life. But I guess you just have to leave them to it and only intervene when things get out of hand, so to speak.
Personally I think its a good thing. The U.S. put its hand into too many nations and screwed them up major. Now they want change, if they can earn it than good for them! It seems most of the nations want more stability. All the nations over there need a little bit of a shake up. Get rid of the horrible rulers like Hamas and however the hell you spell Ackdimajad or whoever the short little pissant is who runs Iran.
Personally I think its a good thing. The U.S. put its hand into too many nations and screwed them up major. Now they want change, if they can earn it than good for them! It seems most of the nations want more stability. All the nations over there need a little bit of a shake up. Get rid of the horrible rulers like Hamas and however the hell you spell Ackdimajad or whoever the short little pissant is who runs Iran.
It's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dude. And yeah he's a jerk.....

Also there has been 2 revolution so far in Egypt and Tunisia and I believe there would be in other arab nations as well. So after a revolution occurs they would have nothing to protest for anymore.
Power to the people, they have my full support. Any oppressive theocratic or autocratic regime which causes untold misery for its people while furthering the decadence of its ruling class deserves civil resistance on the scales we've seen. So much respect to the revolting masses of these countries who are finally refusing to give any concession one second longer. Mohamed Bouazizi (sparked the protests by setting himself on fire in protest against unemployment) is a true folk hero.
Power to the people, they have my full support. Any oppressive theocratic or autocratic regime which causes untold misery for its people while furthering the decadence of its ruling class deserves civil resistance on the scales we've seen. So much respect to the revolting masses of these countries who are finally refusing to give any concession one second longer. Mohamed Bouazizi (sparked the protests by setting himself on fire in protest against unemployment) is a true folk hero.
Yeah I agree with your point, the time has come for them to show their resistance towards the governments and the way they treat their population.

Also guys, something interesting that I've found on the wikipedia article

" Both the volatility of the protests and their profound geopolitical implications have drawn great attention and concern from around the world. The possibility has been raised of the protesters being nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize. "

Nobel Peace Prize....interesting.
I think it's interesting in that it's the first time I've heard of a very large group of people being nominated for the prize, unless I'm just ignorant of history and have really missed some big ones in recent history. I wonder where the prize would actually go.
I am sure populations have already gotten the price.
Nobel sometimes has the weirdest nominations.
Last year they nominated "the internet" for peace in stead of a person.

On the topic though, although I doubt if a political loaded subject like this belongs on a bandforum, I can only say I feel awfull when I see on the news what's happening in Benghazi and Tripoli at the moment. The whole region is unstable and here everyone says that it's time for democracy to win this one, but the countries are far from democracy after this shit is over.

Their whole systems and living are based on coping with the dictatorship they lived under, look at Iraq or Afghanistan. Shit is gonna hit the fan in that region the upcoming years. Sad, especially now the EU and the USA are taking their hands of the leaders they allways supported to keep the region "stable". Hypocrisy at it's best.
Man, I think the Internet has done anything but bring peace. 4chan just recently basically attacked a US government official for days on end :lol:
Well I am going to say the internet does deserve the award if the protesters get it as that is how many of them collaborated these protests! Thing is Libya is going haywire, my heart goes out to those rebels and I wish I could do something to help but unless the U.S. decides to invade I cannot do anything and if the U.S. invades chances are 90% of the countries of the world are invading with us, I mean even the Iranian clerics want him dead!

I think if we step back and look at it the internet is a need. Finland says it is a legal right and I am almost tempted to agree, it gives you a flow of information. Sure it can be used for illegal and horrible things but if you look at the protests and revolutions that were planned and executed mostly from using sites such as Facebook and Twitter you have to admit that in a way it may need to be a right, not just for individual nations but the entire world. The only way the atrocities of Libya got out was through the internet. It is the most powerful tool one could have.