The Royal Navy/Britain was over extended doing the same thing Germany tried to do, but it's cool when Britain runs around subjegating other nations because they weren't white.
Britain was every bit the expansionist monster as any other major power in history.
I don't have a double standard imagining sainthood for the victorious side.
If the Allies hadn't been shipping supplies on passenger ships the latter situations wouldn't have been occuring. WWII was total war, so yeah, supply trains/ships are fair game.
Can you not carry on two entirely seperate arguments? Just because the US shouldn't have been involved, doesn't detract from the fact that they made all the allies save Russia look very very timid and weak by comparison.
Basic military strategy is to best supply your best men. Patton was without a doubt the greatest general in the US forces, but he didn't play the politics and thus got shafted regularly, and eventually was allegedly assasinated because of his intentions after the war.
Broaden your view outside your red, white, and blue tinted blinders. Every time the US involves itself in the affairs of other nations it only causes more problems in the future. Since you can't understand that WWII happened because we involved ourselves in WWI (and why this is important), I don't believe you can understand history in general.
I am glad you prefer feeling comfortable with the status quo over objective hindsight and conjecture. You must sleep wonderful at night.
Corporations and corrupt government are wasting earth's ample resources and turning the world into concrete jungles. The earth could sustain billions more people than are even currently on it, but total mismanagement excused by the overpopulation lie has people like you advocating genocide of "someone else". I have never met anyone who believed in overpopulation enough to start solving the supposed problem by taking the obvious personal step towards the "solution".
No disagreement here, except why get mad at someone who is trying to help "solve" the "overpopulation problem"?