Presidents and what you think about them

Teddy was great.

I also like Andrew Jackson, mostly because he was a fucking badass (so anyone who was planning on being a sarcastic little bitch and saying "Yeah, he did wonders for the Native Americans" can be quiet, because I know he was an asshole).
Washington was the best, he said fuck this shit I dont want the job.

Washington was a Mason (as were many of the founders), thus making all his moves and motives extremely suspect. Jackson was purportedly a Mason as well, but by sticking it to the banksters he at least has this to redeem himself.
Funny, I thought Washington was a surveyor... har har har

for the life of me I dont think I will ever fully grasp what a "Mason" is.
FDR is easily the best President. Rescued the US from the Great Depression and won World War II.

All of the early ones were very good because that's the time when most new republics fail and its remarkable that the US did not.

Lincoln of course is great

Andrew Johnson was definitely the worst in my eyes for fucking up Reconstruction. Harding and Reagan were also terrible. Nixon gets an honorable mention for using Southern racism to split the Democratic party and engineer the political landscape that is still largely in place today.
FDR is easily the best President. Rescued the US from the Great Depression and won World War II.

All of the early ones were very good because that's the time when most new republics fail and its remarkable that the US did not.

Lincoln of course is great

Andrew Johnson was definitely the worst in my eyes for fucking up Reconstruction. Harding and Reagan were also terrible. Nixon gets an honorable mention for using Southern racism to split the Democratic party and engineer the political landscape that is still largely in place today.

You know your stuff Nick, when it comes to presidents.

Don't forget about the obvious Watergate for Nixon.
Yeah, everyone focus on the horrible things Nixon did and ignore everything beneficial he did for the country; same goes for Reagan. Way to go team.

Johnson is agreeably one of the worst presidents in U.S. history.

Lincoln was a fine president, in my opinion.

And FDR, while definitely one of the most passionate and idealistically driven presidents, was not the best.
If not for Vietnam LBJ would be pretty good. Vietnam was a huge mistake though and he is largely responsible for it.

Reagan sucked, man. Spent like crazy on the military, slashed social programs, huge debt, needlessly provocative foreign policy, Iran-Contra Affair, and many more. And don't say he won the Cold War or something like that. That's a simplistic and one-sided way to view the end of the Soviet Bloc.
FDR is easily the best President. Rescued the US from the Great Depression and won World War II.

Try easily the worst. In essence became our only dictator, involved us in WWII, and had zero to do with winning it, not to mention his policies not only prolonged the Great Depression, but created the social program drags on the country that are still dragging on us today.

All of the early ones were very good because that's the time when most new republics fail and its remarkable that the US did not.

This was due to the hardworking and puritanical nature of the average person, not because of the presidency.

Harding and Reagan were also terrible. Nixon gets an honorable mention for using Southern racism to split the Democratic party and engineer the political landscape that is still largely in place today.

Reagan is highly overrated. Nixon was equally bad.
Reagan sucked, man. Spent like crazy on the military, slashed social programs, huge debt, needlessly provocative foreign policy, Iran-Contra Affair, and many more. And don't say he won the Cold War or something like that. That's a simplistic and one-sided way to view the end of the Soviet Bloc.

FDR spent like crazy on social programs that would have driven the country into outstanding debt had it not been for WWII which helped to lift us out of it. FDR was an idealist (similar to Obama) who wanted to pay for ridiculous reform that the country couldn't afford. It's just not practical. He got lucky because of the war.

If we're criticizing Reagan for outrageous spending we might as well criticize FDR too.

Nixon, I do not believe, was as bad as many paint him. The Watergate scandal soiled his reputation and it was a stupid and irresponsible mess, that I'll agree to; but as far as his efforts as president go, he was far from the worst.
Watergate was a distraction, OK america lets act like this shit hasnt gone on since day 1. Nixons only real fuck up I recall was his use of the National Guard against his own people, major fuck up. But know god damn well any president put to the test of rebelion in this country will do the same. There will never be a revolution, never, it wouldnt last one day and would reak just as badly as Tianiman Square incident.

Nixon had great foreign affairs.

Everyone wants to bitch about FDR but doesnt have a single answer to what he should have done. Due to him we have reservoirs, forest plantations still bringing in great revenue today. Dont blame him for corrupt government.

If he got luck by the war it was only due to killing off many men that would not have had work... OK ? Yes folks history has repeated itself.Please go have many babies lots of babies, more babies than possibly imaginable, cling to that Catholic religion... only real proof of manhood is how many babies you make, the rest is up to UNICEF.

Regan was the worlds biggest tool, I can still see that stupid fucking smile as he began the blind fold economy that came to full fruitation this past 4-5 years. Bravo

Ike built the interstate system, I know my parents generation thought alot of him. We sure had a very stable and growing country from within not bring in.

Carter decided to grant immigrants access to social security funds. He raised the farm minimum wage I give him credit for that even though minumum wage in this country is the best promotion for drug dealing and other illegal activities.

Still I think when their term is done they should all be executed, just for fun.