Arch Enemy & Co @ Lamours this Thursday

Lets see, where to begin...

- Its tiny, I mean really tiny...They now open the second room, but that doesnt help.
-Its a hole in the wall literally...
-The backstage area is a bathroom, Im not lying.
-The kids that go there now are unbelievably lame, the scene sucks, its dead.
-No matter who is playing, there are 1000000 atrocious local bands that play before the headliners even think of going on.
-They overbook every show...Behemoth/Deicide anyone? Ugh.
-I get tired of seeing dumb clueless 15 yr old girls who look like hot topic disasters.
-If you play a show there, theyw ill fuck you out of money.
-They treat the bands like shit.
-The booked a show in which Novembers Doom played to all but 6 people, yet Otep was in the other room playing a packed show.
-I hate being around ignorant close minded metalheads.
-It stinks.
-You cant smoke inside...(I can just drive to Jersey, to the Birch Hill club, and smoke all I want)

I an go on and on...
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I've never been to L'amours and I never will 'cause of all the bad shit I've heard about the place from my friends. But yay for going to college near philly..heh. I'll be at the Troc show on wednesday instead.
Thorns of Sorrow said:
Lets see, where to begin...

- Its tiny, I mean really tiny...They now open the second room, but that doesnt help.
-Its a hole in the wall literally...
-The backstage area is a bathroom, Im not lying.
-The kids that go there now are unbelievably lame, the scene sucks, its dead.
-No matter who is playing, there are 1000000 atrocious local bands that play before the headliners even think of going on.
-They overbook every show...Behemoth/Deicide anyone? Ugh.
-I get tired of seeing dumb clueless 15 yr old girls who look like hot topic disasters.
-If you play a show there, theyw ill fuck you out of money.
-They treat the bands like shit.
-The booked a show in which Novembers Doom played to all but 6 people, yet Otep was in the other room playing a packed show.
-I hate being around ignorant close minded metalheads.
-It stinks.
-You cant smoke inside...(I can just drive to Jersey, to the Birch Hill club, and smoke all I want)

I an go on and on...
i know exactly what you mean on most of the points you made.
by the way, that Behemoth/Deicide show was a blast. My friend got pummeled by those huge fat security assholes they got there, because of his ex girlfriend and the behemoth vocalist. hah, fuck i wish i had my baseball bat with me earlier...

one thing's for sure, behemoth won't feel too comfortable about returning here any time soon.

Thorns of Sorrow said:
Lets see, where to begin...

- Its tiny, I mean really tiny...They now open the second room, but that doesnt help.
-Its a hole in the wall literally...
-The backstage area is a bathroom, Im not lying.
-The kids that go there now are unbelievably lame, the scene sucks, its dead.
-No matter who is playing, there are 1000000 atrocious local bands that play before the headliners even think of going on.
-They overbook every show...Behemoth/Deicide anyone? Ugh.
-I get tired of seeing dumb clueless 15 yr old girls who look like hot topic disasters.
-If you play a show there, theyw ill fuck you out of money.
-They treat the bands like shit.
-The booked a show in which Novembers Doom played to all but 6 people, yet Otep was in the other room playing a packed show.
-I hate being around ignorant close minded metalheads.
-It stinks.
-You cant smoke inside...(I can just drive to Jersey, to the Birch Hill club, and smoke all I want)

I an go on and on...

dude, Lamours is PARADISE compared to COney Island High (remember that fire-trap?)
Huh? You must have misunderstood me...I meant there will be like twice as much gayness there because you and Belial are both gay, in a jokey, non-spiteful kind of way...hopefully now you get what I'm saying.

I mean, how could I be there? I live in New Zealand...I thought you knew that! :err: