ARCH ENEMY Confirmed for Gigantour 2

Lunar Still

Doodle drawrer
Jan 14, 2006
ARCH ENEMY Confirmed For GIGANTOUR 2 - May 5, 2006

ARCH ENEMY guitarist Michael Amott has revealed to that his band will definitely be featured on this fall's Gigantour 2 heavy metal festival tour.

"We know we're on ... the main stage, and I know it runs from late August to October," he said, adding that the only other band he knows will be on the bill is MEGADETH — sort of a given, since Dave Mustaine organizes the festival. "We're excited about coming back to the U.S. once again. We're happy we can get work, you know? It's going to be a good tour for us. We did Ozzfest last year and we made a lot of new fans and sold a lot of records. It's great to come out on another big package tour, and I think there's probably a more traditional metal audience out there who could pick up on what we do as well through Gigantour."

Amott also said ARCH ENEMY have been working on material while on the road, which they've never done before. He says they'd like to start recording the follow-up to "Doomsday Machine" early next year.

"It's very different for us this time, because we never write on the road at all," he said. "This year, we've been writing a lot on the road. We're just making these little demos, really. But they're not proper songs — just riffs sort of thrown together. We've never been this far ahead of the game before, as far as material [goes], because usually we're scrambling for songs once we hit the studio. This time, we'll be very well prepared."
