Arch Enemy-spinoff with Sneap-samples (mp3)

KeithRT99 said:
it doesn't sound that much like arch enemy, but it sounds great. what did you use to record? how many tracks of guitar, mics, amps, etc. The drums sound real.

Thanks man! :) The drums are DFH1, but kick and snare are replaced by Andys samples. Guitars are two tracks of Behringer Bass V-AMP and two tracks of Simulanalog JCM900 vst plugin. That's a freeware plugin that IMHO is a lot better than the other ones out there; even the commercial ones. Besides those things; I use a helluva lot of eq & compressor plugins.. nothing special; just ordinary workhorses.

Maybe this creature didn't end up being such an Arch Enemy-copycat that I first thought it would be. If so, that is a good thing. :)

Razor; thank you too! I will look into the bass thingie next time I fire up the project.
Hey man, I think that's really a pretty alright sound you pulled with a freeware amp/pedal sim. I never actually got to play around a lot with the Simulanalog pack, but you seem to have pulled a better high gain sound than I've ever heard with Guitar Rig. Is there any chance you could share some settings with us?

Pretty cool song too, although I keep feeling like the solo needs some huge shred :).
Moonlapse said:
Is there any chance you could share some settings with us?

Sure. I used the Tube Screamer & JCM900 plugins in series. Here are the settings:

Tube Screamer
Gain: 4.5
Tone: 7.5
Level: 8

Channel: ChB
Drive ChB: 10
Low: 9
Mid: 3
High: 8
Prescence: 8
Volume: 5

Then I used an EQ to scoop out severeal dB around 370Hz, and I also lowered a few dB around 3,2KHz.

I used another EQ on the V-AMP guitars to match the Simulanalog guitars. The V-AMP has some really awful resonant frequences around 2.8-3.5KHz that you have to kill, and basically everything over 8KHz sounds bad. The EQ is the weapon of choice to get an acceptable tone from V-AMP. In my opinion, the Bass V-AMP is slightly better for guitars than V-AMP2.
Sounds great for digital modeling on the guitars! I really like the music, you should turn this into a song, I hear Arch Enemy but I also hear a lot of other cool influences.

A solid idea with some good drum and guitar sounds.
Storyteller man, that's fantastic. I had absolutely no idea the ability to do really good high-gain modelling was right under my fingertips this whole time!

Thanks a heap for those settings, I used something similar to test drive my new Hellraiser (and some pitiful attempts at Malmsteen/Nevermore) and I think for a starting point, its pretty good.

So much for blowing money on Guitar Rig and the like, haha.

Thanks again!
TheStoryteller said:
Sure. I used the Tube Screamer & JCM900 plugins in series. Here are the settings:

Tube Screamer
Gain: 4.5
Tone: 7.5
Level: 8

Channel: ChB
Drive ChB: 10
Low: 9
Mid: 3
High: 8
Prescence: 8
Volume: 5

Then I used an EQ to scoop out severeal dB around 370Hz, and I also lowered a few dB around 3,2KHz.

I used another EQ on the V-AMP guitars to match the Simulanalog guitars. The V-AMP has some really awful resonant frequences around 2.8-3.5KHz that you have to kill, and basically everything over 8KHz sounds bad. The EQ is the weapon of choice to get an acceptable tone from V-AMP. In my opinion, the Bass V-AMP is slightly better for guitars than V-AMP2.
Ok Dude, I have a V-Amp.

What patch/settings did you use for the Bass V-Amp.

Could you attach a patch... and would it be compatible with my V-Amp?

Please? :)
Haha, easy up Nitro, keep it in your pants. :)

I'd have to say though, it would be fantastic if the SimulAnalog guys put out something other than a Marshall for high-gain. It's not really my favourite sound, but even so their sim still slays anything I've heard, haha.
Moonlapse said:
Haha, easy up Nitro, keep it in your pants. :)

I'd have to say though, it would be fantastic if the SimulAnalog guys put out something other than a Marshall for high-gain. It's not really my favourite sound, but even so their sim still slays anything I've heard, haha.

I think the POD can sound pretty damn good with palm-mutes that follow the kicks and snare. But on long drawn out chords forget about it, cheese-grater central, give me this sim over pod any day.
Yeah, it's that very linear, grainy chord decay that's a trademark of the bad digital simulations... Guitar Rig is rife with it. Just playing with this sim and jamming around, at times I'm almost fooled into thinking im playing a real tube amp. There's something ballsy about it.
Congratulations, this sounds really good. I have been fooled by the guitar tone.
Very good work.
Nitronium Blood said:
Ok Dude, I have a V-Amp.

What patch/settings did you use for the Bass V-Amp.

Could you attach a patch... and would it be compatible with my V-Amp?

Please? :)

A patch would be of no use for you, sorry. I think I used the British Hi-Gain amp and the 2x12 V-AMP Custom cab and if I'm not mistaken both of those are on the guitar V-AMP as well. Rules of thumb when using V-AMP: Don't be afraid of mids. And go easy on the treble. If it gets too muddy, try to add more presense instead of treble.