progressive/neoclassic/power metal (mp3)

Nitronium Blood said:
Fuck the solo. The solo can go fly a kite. "Ooh solo this... solo that".

I have a stiffy from all that intricate arpeggio and 'straightforward' riffing. :)

The solo is hands down the best part of track 1. It's the only aspect of the music that isn't cliched to death. The melodic power metal thing is one of the most overdone genres in the metal realm.

Not to say that the music itself doesn't have any merit. It's cool stuff for what it is, but I think the solo is the only thing that's relatively different, at least from a phrasing perspective.

@Fredrik: I'm wondering, did you use the Timeworks Mastering Compressor on the 2-buss? I've noticed that thing can push a mix goddamn LOUD, and your samples here are louder than some commercial albums I have.
@Moonlapse - Yeah, it's the timeworks compressor. Awesome limiter for metal!

@Nitronium Blood - No impulses, just the POD. Some pretty heavy EQ:ing on the rhythm guitars to make them sit in the mix though. I don't have the exact settings (forgot to save the rhythm settings when we dialed in the lead tone, but it was the Diamondplate amp and the Treadplate cab, 57 off axis, Tube Screamer.