Arch Enemy Update

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Sweden's ARCH ENEMY have revealed several songtitles that are set to appear on the band's the follow-up to 2001's "Wages Of Sin", tentatively due in late spring through Century Media Records.

Among the cuts that are set to be included on the as-yet-untitled CD are the following:

01. Despicable Heroes
02. Exist To Exit
03. Dead Eyes See No Future
04. Dehumanization
05. Infected

The following is ARCH ENEMY guitarist Michael Amott's latest posting to the "Studio Reports" section of the band's official web site (

"What's up? Hope you've enjoyed the pics we posted so far (– there haven't been too many studio reports from us…sorry about that…but we have just been getting on with the daily routine in the studio…putting this new METAL MONSTER together...piece by piece, RIFF by bloody RIFF! There are so many HUGE riffs on this album...we just walk around smiling all day here...can't wait to assault all your ears with this...

"The past 2-3 days we've been tracking rhythm guitars and the tones that [producer] Andy [Sneap]'s dialled in are just SATANIC! SICK! UGLY! (you get the general idea…) It's sounding shockingly full on and brutal, and that's just with 2 guitars and drums…oh, yeah, those DRUMS…Daniel [Erlandsson] has really pushed himself way beyond previous recordings we've done…world F@#$%*N class!!

"I completed my guitars on 5 songs and now we have taken a few days off (we are back home in Sweden)… [Guitarist] Chris [Amott] will return to England and the studio on Monday (he'll then start tracking his rhythms and do some lead work) and he'll bring with him our Lord of LOW END – [bassist] Sharlee D'Angelo… I am psyched as hell to hear all that when I come over to England again.

"(I am taking a week off from the studio work and will hook up with Andy in the studio again in a week to finish off my rhythm tracks + leads)...and there's some keyboards that will be played by Per Wiberg (who played on the 'Burning Bridges' and 'Wages Of Sin' albums) - it's always a blast recording those parts with Per...such a talented guy.

"Last but not least... [Vocalist] Angela [Gossow] will be coming over to start tracking vocals - the vocals she did on the pre-production demo's sound super promising...she's screaming like she's possessed by evil spirits...Arrrrrgggghhhhhh....ALL ATTITUDE and AGGRESSION - very cool!

"Songtitles? Here are a few: 'Despicable Heroes' (A high energy thrasher - Daniel is just all over the kit on this one), 'Exist To Exit' (Ok, who said SLAYER???), 'Dead Eyes See No Future' (ARCH-style-thrash with great melodic guitars in the chorus - reminds me a bit of the 'Stigmata'/'Burning Bridges' era - but with a fresh twist...), 'DehumaniZation' (Cool riffy track with heavy chorus)...Ok, what else is there...oh yeah, my fave track at the moment, 'Infected' (it's a little different, a new flavour - still heavy...what did you think? C'mon, there's no post-grunge ballads here, ha-ha).

"Ok, I'm outta here...take care and I'll be back with more news and stupid stuff etc very soon..."
Sweden's ARCH ENEMY have whittled down possible album titles for their forthcoming full-length effort to the following two choices: "DehumaniZation" (with a capital Z) and "Anthems of Aggression", BLABBERMOUTH.NET can exclusively reveal. The group, who have yet to decide on the final album title, are hoping to release the CD worldwide in late July.

Among the tracks set to appear on the album are the following:

01. Despicable Heroes
02. Exist To Exist
03. Instinct*
04. Rise Above
05. Dehumanization
06. Saints & Sinners
07. End Of The Line
08. Dead Eyes See No Future

* mistakenly referred to as "Infected" on the band's official web site

The album's completed by two tracks with the working titles "Rammstein" and "Old School Thrasher". The follow-up to 2001's "Wages Of Sin" is currently being recorded at producer Andy Sneap's Backstage Studios in Ripley, England.