Keep on moving the goalposts. And yeah, let's play your game where we only count the most mainstream of mainstream sites. LMFAO. I can almost guarantee for every example you show where all they do is talk about Jeff's soloing, I can find two or three where that's not the focus.
That's the magic of gross generalizations though. Who needs proof right? And when some proof is supplied, dismiss it because it doesn't suit the definition you currently want to use for your argument.
Are you ever not butthurt that I have a different opinion than you? What does it matter to you that I dislike Loomis in NM? Why do you care that I dislike his playing in the last ten years? No, this is what's happening here: I offended your fanboyism because I have a differing opinion than you, so you're going to nit-pick and point out even the tiniest turn of phrase like a 15-year-old playing Call of Duty and try to disprove it just to get back at me because I offended your fanboy sensibilities. Well, too fucking bad because it's a figure of speech, dude, and if you're so stupid that you didn't immediately get that "every single review" was a figure of speech for "the majority of reviews", then you're dumber than I previously thought.
"Hey dude, how are you?"
"Eh, everything is shit today."
^^ That's you, every single time.
Do you really believe that people weren't blown away by Loomis' solos in TGE? It wasn't a generalization, that's just how it was. That album was all about the solos and everyone was talking about it, and for you to nitpick and say, "Well, not every single review ever written about TGE mentioned exactly what you said" and then post Encyclopedia Metallum is so fucking retarded and childish that I can't even believe I'm responding to it. This is the problem with you, you cannot extrapolate one single iota in the English language; it's something you're completely incapable of doing. Go listen to your shitty power metal and fuck off already.
Edit: Ok, the fuck off was a bit harsh but stop trying to be every time I post something that doesn't warrant it. I'm not going to proofread my post a thousand times because you want to simply throw something in my face that doesn't mean anything whatsoever just because you love contradicting me. It's a half-empty forum of a once-great, little-known band that is now defunct. Finding out if every single fan review mentioned Loomis' playing simply because I said "every single review of TGE from fan and journalist alike was about Jeff's soloing" just isn't that important. While it may not be literal, it's still very accurate. You're being petty. Stop it.
EVERY SINGLE GUITARIST at the time who I played with and who I knew liked thrash metal, even if they weren't fans of NM, even if we played in different bands, even if we met just once at a gig somewhere in bum-fucked Egypt, were talking about TGE. Every time someone brought it up, people would either love the album or dislike the album but everyone agreed that Loomis' playing was monstrous on that album and it was like an hour of mind-boggling solos. Later, it just became too much for me and others and we moved on. People, myself included, listened to that album too much and it became more than what it was. Now with perspective we can say that it's not all that it was cracked up to be, and a lot of that is down to finger olympics over songwriting.