Everything sounds so good, snare is incredibleeeee. Question - is that tone from a 5150 or a Krank? I've heard that sort of tone coming out recently, most notably on Suicide Season, this album and new Bury Your Dead, and I really really like it.
Reamp with this tone plz
My fave of the year so far, don't see how anything is going to top it. I flew to Winnipeg for 16 hours to see them a few months ago when I missed them locally, album is fucking UNBELIEVABLE. Totally in love with it.
hmmm, maybe i'm missing something here... why do you all like the guitar tone so much? I think it's good, but not great..... it sounds good, but it's not something I'd make a big deal about... also, I like the cd, but the music is a little bit generic, even compared to other stuff the band has done before
I recorded in the same studio a couple months afterwards and we kept pestering the engineer about it.
Got to hear the seperate audio from the tracks aswell which was awesome. quite alot in there i didn't notice, one of the tracks you've could've easily turnt into an ambient song when you took away the guitars.
I can't stand this band. Pretty good sounding album mix-wise, but I just live in the same town as them, and I've seen them SO many times. Used to be much better with Matt on vocals...
I love this album. There is something very charming about the mix, and I love that it is slightly too bassy. It definately is an interesting and unique mix compared to everything else I have heard that sounds similar. And the dude on the vocals is just insane... I can totally feel all the emotions from every one of his words, it's incredible.
I can't stand this band. Pretty good sounding album mix-wise, but I just live in the same town as them, and I've seen them SO many times. Used to be much better with Matt on vocals...